Shopify themes, liquid, logos, and UX
Hi, I am struggling with the product page description staying on the right side after/below the product images. I want to insert pictures and videos that stay on the left side and the text is on the right if possible. If not, at least I should be distributed evenly at the centre. Is there any way that I can fix this using coding? Here is my store URL:
I have tried the below code in the product-template.liquid but the text stays on the left side. Please help. Thank you
Here the code I tried:
<div class="product-single__description rte" id="first_product_description">
{{ product.description | split: '<!-- split -->' | first }}
{% if product.description contains "<!-- split -->" %}
<div class="product-single__description rte" id="last_product_description">
{{ product.description | split: '<!-- split -->' | last }}
{% endif %}
Hi there,
Jack from OpenThinking here!
Can you please provide a link where I can see clearly the problem you're referring to?
Hi Jack, thanks for the reply. Here is the example page of what I mentioned:
It looks perfect on mobile devices but on desktop, the description part is aligned to the right side.
If I'm understanding this correctly you want everything to be in a single column in the middle (just like it's on mobile)?
Like this
Hi Jack, yes that’s would be lovely if the description distributes evenly in the center.
Copy & Paste the following code at the very bottom of your assets/theme.css file!
@media only screen and (min-width:750px) {
.product-template__container { max-width: 600px!important; margin: 0 auto!important; }
.product-template__container .grid__item { width: 100%!important; }
let me know if this works for your. If yes; accept my answer and give me thumbs up! Thank you.
I have the same problem. If you can please help me fix this as well.
go to any product page on
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