Product Page - size - color options - color of the selection arrows

103 0 35

Hi all,

On my site I have a light background color for the color and size options for a product but the selection arrows are white. See below:

Screenshot 2021-11-10 235939.png

How do I fix this as in:

Change the color of the backgrounds (e.g. black) or better still change the color of the arrow selectors (e.g. to black) - 2nd option is better as my text color is black.

Any help appreciated.

Thank you

Replies 6 (6)

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Sorry you are facing this issue, it would be my pleasure to help you.

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103 0 35

Hi there,

My URL is as follows:

Many thanks 

Shopify Partner
537 108 161

1. Go to your store Click on Actions > Edit code.

2. In Assets > theme.scss.css.

3. At the bottom of the file add below lines:

select#SingleOptionSelector-0 background-image: url();
Enjoy !!!

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Shopify Partner
36845 3636 11978


can you please confirm this look!



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103 0 35

That is correct thank you.

Shopify Partner
36845 3636 11978


thanks its my pleasure to help us

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