How to display recommended products in the Venue theme?

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Having trouble getting recommended products to display in the Venue theme. Not sure what else to try, need help please

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Expert
3465 460 515

Hi @NTorreyyy 
We're BSS Commerce - Shopify Partners & Experts providing Shopify apps and Store Development on Shopify & Shopify Plus.
I saw that you need to hire a web developer to do a simple job of getting recommended products to display in the Venue theme. It's what we can help with at an affordable price.
Can you kindly share your request with us by contacting us via Shopify experts or add task directly to our Shopify Customization Service site.


We're looking forward to working with you.


If our suggestions are useful, please let us know by giving it a like or marking it as a solution.

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BSS Commerce - Shopify Apps & Store Development Service Provider

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Hello @NTorreyyy,


I think it is not a trivial issue at all. If you lack technical expertise, I recommend engaging the services of a reputable Shopify development company. They have the necessary skills to thoroughly examine and resolve the issue at hand.


Best regards,

Co-founder at Whidegroup, e-commerce development company from Ukraine
- 10+ years of experience with SMBs
- Deep expertise in custom development & optimization