Redirect "add to cart" button on dummy product that redirects to bundle (when clicking on image)

Redirect "add to cart" button on dummy product that redirects to bundle (when clicking on image)

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I have created a dummy product that is in my featured collection on my home page that redirects (when clicking on image) to an bundle that I made in Bundler app. However, the "add to cart" button (marked in red below) adds the dummy product to the basket/cart and thereby leaving the inventory count wrong. Is there a way to redirect this button so it adds the actual bundle to the cart and thereby deducting the inventory correctly? 


What I really want is to add the actual bundle to the collection, instead of the dummy, but as I understand that is not possible. 


I am using the "Refresh" theme.


Dummy product in "Collection" on home page:


Skjermbilde 2023-07-08 152145.jpg


If you have an solution, please explain it in detail, as I am new to coding, thanks 😄 

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