Refresh Theme Quick Add Button - put price next to "Add to cart"

Refresh Theme Quick Add Button - put price next to "Add to cart"

3 0 0

Hi, I am currently using the refresh theme for my online shop and desperately looking for a solution to put my price "into" my quick add button, right next to "Add to Cart" (see screenshot).

Happy to share code details if someone could help me out. Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 13.34.55.png 

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
2139 616 520

Hey @mountaingoat24,

Can I have the store link and the name of the theme you are using?

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3 0 0

Hi, thanks for your quick reply! I am using the shopify REFRESH theme (12.0.0). My store is not published yet, is that an issue with the link? 

Shopify Partner
2139 616 520

Because I am not sure of the customizations you have done, I need to see your store to make sure the customization is right. 

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