Related Products doesn't more available in my store.

Related Products doesn't more available in my store.

5 0 2

Hi folks, 

I have been using "PRODUCT RELATED" in all of my Product pages, As you can see in this screenshot example.Captura de tela 2024-07-22 195932.png

But unfortunately, since yesterday, I didn´t find "Product Related" in SECTION. When I try to put in New pages it doesn´t show in scroll.

Captura de tela 2024-07-22 200047.png

Anybody knows what is happen? Is it possible to be my mistake?
Tks in advanced

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
46 5 5

Hi @mvende

the related products only appears on single product pages. The page you're editing is not a product page.


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5 0 2

Hi @Gideon11 , Thank you very much for your support!
In fact I was check and, yes, it is a product page. I even tried to create a new product page (default product) to check if the Product related appeared, but it actually disappeared from all my store.

Shopify Partner
46 5 5

The related product section comes prebuilt with the default product page, I can help you fix the current issue if you don't mind giving me access to your store


The following access should do;

  • Create and edit products
  • Manage settings
  • Themes
  • Blog posts and page
  • Navigation