Re: Removing or Changing the Color of Space between Sections


Removing or Changing the Color of Space between Sections

7 0 1

hallo 🙂

I just installed the App "Opinew Product Reviews" and wanted to implement it into my Product Pages.

Now i have the Probem that whenever i implement it there are weird White Lines above and beyond the Review Block. The Size of these Spaces is already set to 0 in the Layout options. Is there any Way to remove them or atleast set them to the Yellow Background Color?
Best Regards


Accepted Solution (1)
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2139 616 519

This is an accepted solution.

Hey @3DForge,


Go to your theme's "Edit Code" Option, then in the search bar type "theme.liquid"
Below the tag "<head>" tag paste the following. Screenshot attached for reference.

section:has(#opinew-reviews-product-page-code) {
    padding-top: 1px !important;
    padding-bottom: 1px !important;


Screenshot is for reference only, the correct code to paste is the one shown above.



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Hey @3DForge,


Can I have the link to your store? 

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Sure heres the Link :
Although its currenty Password Protected.
Is there any way i can dm you the Password? I pretty new here

Shopify Partner
2139 616 519

Hey @3DForge,


You can disable it for now or just drop the password here and then change it after the issue is solved.

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Alright i changed it to "test123" for now ^^

Shopify Partner
2139 616 519

This is an accepted solution.

Hey @3DForge,


Go to your theme's "Edit Code" Option, then in the search bar type "theme.liquid"
Below the tag "<head>" tag paste the following. Screenshot attached for reference.

section:has(#opinew-reviews-product-page-code) {
    padding-top: 1px !important;
    padding-bottom: 1px !important;


Screenshot is for reference only, the correct code to paste is the one shown above.



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Thank you so much that worked ^^
Thanks for the fast help, when im home ill buy you a coffee 😉

Shopify Partner
2139 616 519

Thank you, that’s generous! Good luck with your store 🙂



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@3DForge hope you are doing well.


could you please share your store URL?

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7 0 1

Hello ^^
Yeah the Store URL is
and the Password is "test123" for now

Shopify Partner
1186 171 174

Please add the below line of CSS just before the closing tag of </body> in your theme.liquid file.


body #opinew-app-container [data-v-7d829004],
body #opinew-app-container [data-v-21bc604b]{





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