Shopify Add Domain Name to Every Page Title Tag Automatically

Shopify Add Domain Name to Every Page Title Tag Automatically

New Member
7 0 0

My theme name is: Responsive


I edited the title tag for pages, each page within 60 characters and thought that it is optimized and meet requirements from Google SEO. However, I found that Shopify has added my domain name to the title tag automatically. This made the title exceeded the character limit and have a repeated domain name which is not friendly for both Google and Users. Does anyone know how to fix it. 


Title I edited: Keywords 1 - Long tail keywords - Domain    Within 60 character perfect

However, shopify made it like this: Keywords 1 - Long tail keywords - Domain - Domain      Repeated Domain and Exceeded Character limit


Please anyone knows how to fix it?


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
401 34 124

Use liquid to tweak <title> tags in theme templates.

Part time Shopify SEO, based in NZ. Sometimes freelance outside the 9-5.
New Member
7 0 0


I found this one and delete the sentence marked. It looks all good, no domain added. 

Shopify Partner
401 34 124

Awesome! Yeah it's nice having a relatively easy templating language in Shopify - lets you do some pretty cool stuff with default <titles> and meta descriptions 🙂

Part time Shopify SEO, based in NZ. Sometimes freelance outside the 9-5.