show <hr only when called

show <hr only when called

342 0 29

Hello, i want to use the Custom Liquid block on the product page for dawn theme. I am using it for another area for the product page. It already has a <hr tag like this when custom liquid block is used...

{%- when 'custom_liquid' -%}
              {{ block.settings.custom_liquid }}
<hr class="title_space" style="background-color:#ebebeb; margin-bottom: 25px!important;">

But for the new custom liquid block, I do not want the <hr line tag. How can I use it again but not have the <hr for the next? Can I duplicate the custom liquid in the backend coding? or use an %if statement somehow?


Please help, thanks!

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@xnyjyh - the above code is in the theme file or is it in the customizer? 

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342 0 29

I already fugureed this out, thank thougfh!