SLIDESHOW: Desktop content position and sentences in heading and subheading. "ADD Cart" button

SLIDESHOW: Desktop content position and sentences in heading and subheading. "ADD Cart" button

28 1 4

Question 1:
I'm using the template "Slideshow" and in the heading and subheading, I would like to put each sentences in the different line and NOT in the same line as shows in the picture. How i can change it?
For example in the image below: I want to put "Pour over quality, wherever you go" in one line, and below of this, in another line, the other sentence: "Powered...." and not all in the same line.

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-22 a la(s) 9.08.35 a.m..png

Question 2:
Is it possible to put the "Desktop content position" more at the bottom of the banner? I put the maximum allow by default, but it is possible to put at the maximum bottom of the banner?
The photo below, is the maximum desktop content position: Bottom right. As you can see, I have more space below. I want to move at the bottom of the banner.

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-22 a la(s) 9.17.18 a.m..png

Question 3:
When I press the button "add to cart" it links me and open the product page instead staying in the same page. With "add to cart" I just want to stay in the same page without open the product page.

I'm looking forward to your response.
Thank you,

Replies 3 (3)

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Hi @Angela86,

Can you please share your store URL and storefront password, So I can give you a perfect solution and answer.


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Can I have the solution of my issues, please? 
About the "Add to cart" is already solved it. But the "Desktop Content Position" is still.

Thank you