Re: Stack Collection Image/Products on Mobile in Dawn Theme

Stack Collection Image/Products on Mobile in Dawn Theme

7 0 1

I'm looking to have my collection images/products stack on mobile vs being two in a row as it is currently. Is there a simple fix for this? My site is: 

Screen Shot 2024-01-10 at 5.15.15 AM.png

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
444 44 45

Hi @julieestrella 

You can follow the following steps:

1. Please remove the width from the html.
2. Please go to the Online Store.
3. Then Edit Code.
4. Please find the theme.liquid file.
5. Please add code before closing the tag </head> tag.


ul#product-grid li.grid__item {
    max-width: 100% !important;







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-If this solution is worked, then please Like this and Mark this as accepted solution!
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How do I remove the width from the HTML, where? I tried to insert the code but not sure if I am placing it correctly, probably not because it didn't work. Can you please provide a little more detail in your instructions? thank you!!