Re: Stiletto theme, how to add increase 2 button limit in Rich Text?

Stiletto theme, how to add increase 2 button limit in Rich Text?

New Member
5 0 0

Hello. I am using Stiletto theme and would like to use multiple button blocks in Rich Text but there is a 2 button limit.


Screen Shot 2023-09-15 at 04.53.13.png


I have found the code in rich-text.liquid:


 "type": "button",
"name": "",
"limit": 2,
"settings": [

"id": "link",
"type": "url",
"label": ""
"id": "link_text",
"type": "text",
"label": "t:sections.rich_text.blocks.button.settings.link_text.label",
"default": "Read more"
"type": "select",
"id": "button_style",
"label": "t:shared.settings.button_style.label",
"options": [
"value": "btn--primary",
"label": "t:shared.settings.button_style.option_solid"
"value": "btn--secondary",
"label": "t:shared.settings.button_style.option_outline"
"value": "btn--callout",
"label": "t:shared.settings.button_style.option_text"


The problem is that I have tried changing the button limit from "2" to "5", which does work. However, this squashes the button additional blocks together with no margin spacing between the buttons. Any suggestions how to fix this and separate them?


Screen Shot 2023-09-15 at 04.54.55.png

Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
452 44 48

They have the limit because they have styling for either one or two buttons. If you increase the limit then you’d have to add custom/extend the current styles for the buttons. 

If my solution fixed your issue, please mark my solution as solved.
In need of custom solutions? Please DM.
New Member
5 0 0

Oh okay. Do you know how to extend the current styles? 

Shopify Partner
452 44 48

Yes that can be done. But I’ll need collaborator access to your store for just the theme so I can update the css to accommodate the 5 buttons. 

If my solution fixed your issue, please mark my solution as solved.
In need of custom solutions? Please DM.
New Member
5 0 0

Okay thank you. Here is the collaborator request code: 4845

Shopify Partner
452 44 48

Please delete this message here and send it to my DM and also add your store url to it, the one that looks like

If my solution fixed your issue, please mark my solution as solved.
In need of custom solutions? Please DM.
New Member
5 0 0

Hello there. I messaged you but did not get a reply?