Storefront for email capture and selling an ebook

Storefront for email capture and selling an ebook

New Member
14 0 0


I'm preparing my second online store. 

I'm working on a course, that will be sold as an ebook.

While I'm working on the book, I want to get a site launched so I can start capturing emails and also opt in potential customers to my email list where I will share tips related to what's contained in the course/ebook.

I'm imagining a very simple landing page with some info on the program and an email opt in.

Pretty standard stuff, right?

Is anyone aware of a simple Shopify template I can use to quickly get this type of landing page launched?

I've searched but haven't been able to find anything this simple. 


Reply 1 (1)

New Member
14 0 0

I ended up just designing a simple landing page myself in Figma.

Let me know what you guys think about this.

And also if you have any advice about how to replicate this now in Shopify.

I'm thinking until the book is ready I just keep this simple and focus on opting into the email list for now.

Thank you!

