Re: text size and colour

text size and colour

17 0 2

hello i am using this code, i am wondering how i can change the size and colour of the text 'example text'


<div class="vid-wrap">
<video autoplay loop playsinline muted>
<source src="">
<div class="content-wrap">
<h2 class="banner__heading h1">
example text
<div class="banner__buttons">
<a href="" class="button button--primary">SHOP NOW</a>

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Shopify Partner
75 14 11
<div class="vid-wrap">
<video autoplay loop playsinline muted>
<source src="">
<div class="content-wrap">
<h2 class="banner__heading h1" style="font-size:22px;color:black;">
example text
<div class="banner__buttons">
<a href="" class="button button--primary">SHOP NOW</a>


updated code change value of 22px to any number like 32px and color with any name or hex.

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