The position of a hamburger icon is different on iPhone and Android devices.

The position of a hamburger icon is different on iPhone and Android devices.

18 0 1

Recently I was changing the position of my header icons and realised that the hamburger menu icon goes beyond the screen boundaries on Android phone at the same time everything looks perfectly fine on Iphone..


Thats the first time I am facing an issue like that and I hope someone can lend me a hand.


Thanks in advance!!

Website name - | Theme - Dawn



Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
5986 1076 1439

Hello @Apeya ,

Here are the steps to apply the necessary changes in your Shopify store:

  1. In your Shopify Admin, navigate to Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit Code.
  2. Locate Asset > base.css and paste the following code at the bottom of the file:


@media(max-width: 989px){
    .header-wrapper {
    height: unset !important;

.header {
    position: unset !important;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row-reverse;
    width: 100%;
    padding: 8px 15px;
    align-items: center;
    gap: 15px;

.menu-drawer-container {
    position: unset;

.header--mobile-left .header__heading {
    order: 1;
    flex: 1;

.header__icons a#cart-icon-bubble {
    right: unset !important;
    top: unset !important;

.header__icons {
    margin-right: 0 !important;

a.header__heading-link {
    position: unset;




Let me know if you need further assistance!

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18 0 1

Thank you for reply, but unfortunately it didn’t help me(

Also I discovered that the problem might not be the icon positioning, but the fact that my site appears slightly ‘zoomed in’ for android users, which makes the icon look off the screen. Also a little white line shows up as soon as enter full screen mode.


If that can be solved somehow I will be very grateful!


please check the video on my google drive to understand the problem fully:


Shopify Partner
5986 1076 1439

Hello apeya,

Have you applied the CSS I shared with you? It works perfectly on both of my devices. Please review the CSS again, and if there’s any issue with the appearance on your device, make sure to resolve that first.

Let me know if you need further assistance!

Thank you.

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Shopify Apps URL :-
Custom Modifications Into Shopify Theme | Shopify Private App | SEO & Digital Marketing
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Sorry, but that’s how the website header looks like with applied code:


Do you have any ideas how to solve it? 