Unable to remove pagination bar from Spotlight theme

Unable to remove pagination bar from Spotlight theme

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Hey all,


I have a mostly/all black website and the pagination bar below the slideshow component is white, and it breaks the page up too much.




I have searched these forums and added the following code to my base.css file but it doesn't change anything:


.slideshow__controls.slideshow__controls--top.slider-buttons.no-js-hidden { visibility: hidden !important; }


I'd ideally like the pagination bar to be transparent so the 'dots' are still visible for customers to click on but the rest of the bar is not breaking up the page, or at the very least the bar should be black like the rest of the page.

Any help would be appreciated.


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
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you can remove by adding your above code in the slideshow.liquid file refer to the screenshot.

2025-01-28 16_26_48-dawn_sections_slideshow.liquid at main · Shopify_dawn · GitHub.png


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