Re: Unwanted Time Value is Being added to Variant for Expiration Date

Unwanted Time Value is Being added to Variant for Expiration Date

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10 0 3

Hello, I have a variant for Expiration Date and upload in format MM/DD/YYYY. Upon upload, digits for a time value are added and the date displays as YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 -0400. I really need it to be only the date. I'm using Matrixify to upload and the results file is displaying correctly, MM/DD/YYYY. I am in contact with Matrixify support, though I'm not certain that it is a Matrixify issue. I appreciate any thoughts anyone may have about what could be causing this and how to fix. Thank you



Replies 5 (5)

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I've assumptions here but better to get some extra context first.

  1. Expiration date being a metafield?
  2. What's the actual value of the metafield - seeing that will quickly give you clues on how to solve
  3. If it's under a definition, can you confirm the type (like date_time or just asingle_line_text_field)
  4. What's the code showing the value?
★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. ★
Shopify Partner
10 0 3

Hello, I'm not an expert but I'll try to provide some information of value. I am adding the expiration dates as a variant, not as metafield. Below is the code. I hope this helps. Thank you.


<input type="radio" id="template--21367326474527__main-1-0" name="Expiration Date" value="2024-03-29 00:00:00 -0400" form="product-form-template--21367326474527__main" checked="">




Shopify Partner
313 32 374

Hi @denverguzzi 

Amazing to hear that you are using the Matrixify app for your bulk imports.
At a quick glance, I cannot find a support ticket regarding this issue so would be great if you could send a new ticket or reply again to the previous one so that I can personally look into it.


As for the actual issue - is the date only displayed as such in the store front-end or do you also see it incorrect in the Admin?
If its correct in the Admin, then it is likely a theme issue and would need to be looked into by your theme developer, but if its also incorrect in the Admin then it could be an import issue with our app.

Matrixify | Bulk Import Export Update | |
Shopify Partner
10 0 3

My last communication with support was Mar 14th. I've replied this morning, so maybe you'll see it now. Their reply this morning suggested that I format as text instead of date in excel. I've yet to try that. The date displays incorrectly on the admin side as well. Thank you


Shopify Partner
313 32 374

Indeed it could come from Excel interpreting the value as Date and thus having all the date information, including the timestamp.
Formatting the column as Text would solve that if it is the issue.
Best to continue with our support directly in your Support ticket.

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