Re: Variant picker not working

Variant picker not working

3 0 1

Hello, I need help with my variant picker. I'm using the debutify theme, I don't know if you guys will be able to help. When I select a variant of my product, it doesn't change and only adds the first option  (in this case Set 1 White) when adding to cart. I also can't figure out how to change the colors of the variant picker buttons. I want them to match the color of the variant (eg. white button for white variant, pink button for pink variant, etc..)


Any help would be appreciated!

Reply 1 (1)

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Did you had customize code already or installed any app for product page ?

If the issue appear then you customize code so you need to revert old code,

beside if you installed an app on product page you can try uninstall app to check the issue has gone.

- You can please Like and Accepted Solution if my suggestion helpful.
- And you want to hire developer Theme or App Shopify => Feel free to send me a DM or contact to us via Email | WhatApp