variant swatch link to different product page(same product, different style)

variant swatch link to different product page(same product, different style)

390 0 45

I have 2 products the same style/design, but they are different lengths and do not share same sizes/descriptions. Ive seen some stores when clicking the variant swatches it acts like a link and changes product pages. how can I do this?




Replies 2 (2)

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Hello @xnyjyh ,



Using metafields it's possible.

You need to create a metafield for the product, name it destination URL or something.

In 2 step input the destination URL like for product A input destination URL the url of product B
and for product B input destination URL the url of product A

In the last step call these metafield in place of variants. You can style them a/to your needs.
In this way when you click on them the product will redirect to the destination URL.

Drop me an email if you need help with code part. 
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Hi @xnyjyh ,


You can create two different product for each case and link them with the help of metaobject and custom code.


Please refer the below video how you can implement the same.


let me know if you have doubt or questions.

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