Shopify themes, liquid, logos, and UX
Update secondary menus in line with the current selection, to avoid showing unavailable combinations of options when a customer is choosing from multiple menus. In short, you don't want your customers to encounter this:
When your store's visitors make a selection in the first drop-down, you want the values in the second drop-down right below to be updated to list only those values that are available in combination with their first selection.
If a product has three options, you want the same to happen when one selects a value in the second drop-down. You want the values in the third drop-down to be updated to only list values that are available in combination with the two selections made above.
This works from top to bottom. Think of the typical "select a country then select a town" scenario. Selecting a country in the first country element updates the second town element to only contain towns found in that country.
Shopify does not give you linked options out of the box. It makes all choices in all drop-downs available. For example, all possible sizes will be listed in your Size drop-down and all colors will be listed in your Color drop-down, regardless what combinations exist or are in stock.
Linked options can be added to your theme in two steps.
, and click it to open it in the code editor.</body>
tag, paste the following code:{% render 'linked-options' %}
TyW | Online Community Manager @ Shopify
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I am very new to this but i followed the instructions exactly as posted and it is still offering options and showing them as unavailable. I am using the venture theme if that matters. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Did you ever figure this out?
This tutorial has been rendered moot now that Shopify ONLY offers sectioned themes. Venture theme being one of them. But even if you have an older unsectioned one, the author has a note at the top of this page indicating that it won't even work in that.
Bummer as this has been the closest thing I've found to help me add this exact functionality after Googling for 5 hours.
Has anyone been able to find a workaround with this for Themes where it doesn't work? Im currently using the Warehouse theme from Maestroo and it does not work with square icons or drop down list. Please help lol
@JayCDD wrote:Has anyone been able to find a workaround with this for Themes where it doesn't work? Im currently using the Warehouse theme from Maestroo and it does not work with square icons or drop down list. Please help lol
Hi ,
I am also looking for answers. Using the same Warehouse theme as @JayCDD . Hopefully , somebody can help.
Hey guys,
I am looking for a solution to this problem for Debut theme.
I really believe this should be solved by Shopify already, i have seen many post on this same subject, and it simply makes no sense to display options that are not available.
I'm searching for this solution for the Debut theme. Has anyone had any luck or found an app they can recommend to accomplish this?
Still searching.
How u getting on?
Have u tried this 1?
Not yet. I might check it out and see how it works.
For now, I've gone to my translations and I've changed "Unavailable" to "Invalid product combination" as well as labeling the options a little more clearly so the user can understand which sizes in Menu 2 apply to each of the selections from Menu 1.
This updated code made it work for debut theme.
Yes, this code is working for me! Thanks so much!
That one didn't work for's a good video talking u thru it tho for any 1 that wants 2 know -
Going to try a couple other options today....not sure if it some additional code I can see in my product.liquid ...anyone any ideas?
Any Shopify experts?? ; ) ; ) @TyW
{% comment %}
The contents of the product.liquid template can be found in /sections/product-template/
{% endcomment %}
{% section 'product-template' %}
{% section 'product-recommendations' %}
window.theme = window.theme || {};
window.theme.strings = window.theme.strings || {};
// Override default values of theme.strings for each template.
// Values are used by JavaScript only; Liquid must be updated separately
window.theme.strings.addToCart = {{ 'products.product.add_to_cart' | t | json }};
window.theme.strings.soldOut = {{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t | json }};
window.theme.strings.unavailable = {{ 'products.product.unavailable' | t | json }};
Hoooraaaaay!!! I've dun it...[applause]
So i followed the youtube above then did wot fella described (im using the narrative theme FYI):
"For those of you who are having issues with the default variant not loading and requiring the user to select a variant before the script fires:
This is what worked for me on the Shopify Debut Theme.
Find the following code:
Shopify.linkOptionSelectors({{ product | json }});
It is located in the following if statement
{% if product.available and product.options.size > 1 %} ... Shopify.linkOptionSelectors({{ product | json }}); ... {% endif %}
Simply move it directly outside of the if statement:
{% if product.available and product.options.size > 1 %} ... // Line removed from here ... {% endif %} // Line added here Shopify.linkOptionSelectors({{ product | json }});
& badabing badaboh!
SKILLz, cash monies dollar dollar bills coming my way (quickly converted to $btc & $doge ; )
Goodluck : P
ps. shopify community is changing some of the html 4 sum reason so dont copy from here...checkout the comments at post Mar 14, 2018
Thank you, this amazingly worked for me in debut theme.
This is awesome, huge thanks
Have you managed to get that to work?
I ended up biting the bullet and getting this app -
Works exactly as intended and very easy to use. Setup didn't integrate completely with theme but Devs were super fast about getting this fixed and working properly.
Worked for me in debut theme, thank you!
YES!!!!!! THIS CODE works for me also!!!!!
Oh, I am using the DEBUT theme.
hank you SO, SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! 🙂
Thanks for this, that worked for me on Paralax 5.0 for Shop 2.0.
Great to know!
Hi! Did you ever figure this out? I'm also on Debut and having the same problem. It really ruins the user experience when stock is low because they have to click ALL the options just to find a size/colour in stock. Shopify, please fix this 🙂 Thank you!
I have updated the script and added a switch for showing sold out.
Hey sir,
all of this examples its doesnt works in my theme.
Have you any snippet for this Theme: Prestige OS2.0
Thank you so much. Please help me sir. 🙂
I do not have that theme.
Does the theme use drop downs for product variants?
Has anyone refactored this to work on pills vs dropdowns?
I have been fighting it for a few hours now without success.
I thought it would be easy given the existing working code but it is not since each single select(x) is replaced by a group of inputs.
Hopefully you can get it figured out.
I have pushed this issue with Shopify - I believe they need to fix this somehow on the back end.
I have looked at the product liquid and haven't yet had the time to see if it could be fixed there. Even if some of the work could be done there, you would still need some java work.
Hello, since we have uptaded our theme turbo portland to shopify 2.0 we have a problem. We use langshop to traduce the website in 5 languages. Before, the unavailable combinations were hiding in all languages. Since the update, we added the code procedure and now it is only good for the basic language french. Can you help us
My expertise in Java is nearly zero, I had help from others on this.
However I would be willing to try and help or at least point you in the right direction.
If it works fine in French but not the other languages, I am guessing that the container ID names (HTML) are changing. If this is true, then you need to add some logic to get the variable "selectionobject" value to change. (Line 21)
var selectionobject = '.form__input--select'
I am not familiar with your theme, however in the theme I am using it is in product-form.liquid. See our comments on line 19:
"Set up some variables that identify the selection, in this theme it is located in product-form.liquid line 98"
Is there a solution for those of us that use Venture theme? Please help!
Hi there,
Unfortunately if doesnt seem to be working on the narrative theme...any ideas!? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
& for everybody else reading this post, theres a great guy on utube outlining this issue & how to make the changes
Performed exactly as expected. Thank you!
Hi! has anyone managed to make it work for the boundless theme? Thank you
may be this will help. Something to do with dropdowsn vs swatches etc...
Goodluck 😛
I got this to partially work with a 3rd party theme that uses buttons instead of dropdowns. In the first option, all the buttons change their color to indicate they have been clicked but if I changes to any other value in the first option, the buttons don't light up on the 2nd and 3rd options. Where should I look? Anyone else encounter this or know what to change?
Got it to work. So that's great, however only for the product pages. Does anyone have an idea how to make it work for products on the homepage?
I got to work for products on the homepage by including
{% render 'linked-options' %}
on home-product.liquid
Took me a good few hours to figure out why the code is not working for shops with multiple locale!!
If you are operating a shop front with multiple locales, replace line 92 in linked-options.liquid
var $addToCartForm = $('form[action="/cart/add"]');
var $addToCartForm = $('form[action$="/cart/add"]');
And voila!
I thought I'd post the updated solution on this thread to save everyone some time.
A commentor (Jonathon Moore) on the original GitHub posted a modified code which now works with Shopify's new sectioned themes. It's works perfectly, you just follow the same instructions as the original post.
Also, according to Coding with Jan, he provides a slightly altered version of the render so it only applies to the Product Pages:
{% if template contains 'product' %}
{% render 'linked-options' %}
{% endif %}
(H/T to
This needs more updoots
This works! Thank you so much
Still having the issue that I need to select another option to make the script running. Are there any solutions to fix that?
I had the same issue, I hired the job with a shopify expert and they fixed it for me. Check them out: Okas Concepts
Are you able to share your solution with the rest of the world?
Would appreciate it a lot!
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