Want to add blogs dynamically in the blog posts section

Want to add blogs dynamically in the blog posts section

Shopify Partner
12 0 2

I need to add different blogs in every blog posts section. There it gives an option to select a blog and the bolg pages that are in that blog will appear there.


After selecting a type of blog it will show the top blog posts that are linked with that blog




 What i want is that i should be able to add blog pages that i want and not that are featured automatically after selecting the blog. Is there anyway that is possible?

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
1363 104 145

Hello @gkk 


Welcome to Shopify Community.


Yes, it is possible to show chosen blog posts and not all using article type input setting.


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From Less To Further !!!
Shopify Partner
12 0 2

Great that works.....

But is there any other way because there are multiple blog pages that section is going to be used and in every blog i need to configure different blog posts...

Shopify Partner
1363 104 145

Yes, using metafields / metaobject.

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From Less To Further !!!
Shopify Partner
12 0 2

Can you explain how...?