Weird bar on the right side when mobile view ( Everything working on PREVIEW )

Weird bar on the right side when mobile view ( Everything working on PREVIEW )

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I use Shogun Page Builder with the Origin Shopify theme, everything looks AWESOME, I am really happy with it and with my experience with Shogun, even viewing Phone, Tablet, PC, everything looks crisp and the way I want it after some fine tuning--HOWEVER:


When I actually send the store link and not just preview the Homepage, it will show a weird bar on the right side, it has the color of my theme, Origin, so I was thinking it maybe is a Theme bug, or actually some "feature" I am not aware of, maybe it's some element sticking in there even after building the page with Shogun, etc, perhaps it is better if I show you


This is what the PREVIEW on both Shogun & Shopify phone view show, it looks as intended (Blur is for privacy)



And this is how it looks when opened on an actual Mobile device, specifically a Galaxy S21 and a Z Flip, as you can see, even the spacing of the things are messed up, but focusing on our problem (because maybe the root problem is actually this that messes up the spacings as well), there is a bar on the right side of the screen






When I scroll even more down, the problem "dissapears" as in, the image down below or maybe the containers are bigger, they still get a bit cropped and messed up, but the line dissapears, I pointed an arrow at the point where the line dissapears ( as you can see, it's still messed up since the picture should just have the normal white spacing that you can see on its left, with the correct resize )




I hope I explained my issue well and it maybe will be an easy fix, it's really annoying since it doesn't show in either Shopify phone preview OR Shogun's one



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Update: I changed the Theme to another one and I solved my issues, kept the pages from Shogun tho.