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Where to add code for button animation on Dawn theme

Where to add code for button animation on Dawn theme

New Member
19 0 0

Hi guys, I just got a code for a really cool liquid button animation and I want to implement it to all of the buttons on my website. Where exactly do I put this code at?


<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div class="wrap-bottom">
<a href="https://ourthirsttrap.com/pages/menu" class="btn-liquid">
    <span class="inner">Menu</span>
.wrap-bottom {
	display: flex;
	height: 20vh;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
.btn-liquid {
	display: inline-block;
	position: relative;
	width: 240px;
	height: 60px;
	border-radius: 27px;
	color: #f6eeb2;
	font: 700 14px/60px "Droid Sans", sans-serif;
	letter-spacing: 0.05em;
	text-align: center;
	text-decoration: none;
	text-transform: uppercase;
.btn-liquid .inner {
	position: relative;

	z-index: 2;
.btn-liquid canvas {
	position: absolute;
	top: -50px;
	right: -50px;
	bottom: -50px;
	left: -50px;

	z-index: 1;
$(function() {
	// Vars
	var pointsA = [],
		pointsB = [],
		$canvas = null,
		canvas = null,
		context = null,
		vars = null,
		points = 8,
		viscosity = 20,
		mouseDist = 70,
		damping = 0.05,
		showIndicators = false;
		mouseX = 0,
		mouseY = 0,
		relMouseX = 0,
		relMouseY = 0,
		mouseLastX = 0,
		mouseLastY = 0,
		mouseDirectionX = 0,
		mouseDirectionY = 0,
		mouseSpeedX = 0,
		mouseSpeedY = 0;

	 * Get mouse direction
	function mouseDirection(e) {
		if (mouseX < e.pageX)
			mouseDirectionX = 1;
		else if (mouseX > e.pageX)
			mouseDirectionX = -1;
			mouseDirectionX = 0;

		if (mouseY < e.pageY)
			mouseDirectionY = 1;
		else if (mouseY > e.pageY)
			mouseDirectionY = -1;
			mouseDirectionY = 0;

		mouseX = e.pageX;
		mouseY = e.pageY;

		relMouseX = (mouseX - $canvas.offset().left);
		relMouseY = (mouseY - $canvas.offset().top);
	$(document).on('mousemove', mouseDirection);

	 * Get mouse speed
	function mouseSpeed() {
		mouseSpeedX = mouseX - mouseLastX;
		mouseSpeedY = mouseY - mouseLastY;

		mouseLastX = mouseX;
		mouseLastY = mouseY;

		setTimeout(mouseSpeed, 50);

	 * Init button
	function initButton() {
		// Get button
		var button = $('.btn-liquid');
		var buttonWidth = button.width();
		var buttonHeight = button.height();

		// Create canvas
		$canvas = $('<canvas></canvas>');

		canvas = $canvas.get(0);
		canvas.width = buttonWidth+100;
		canvas.height = buttonHeight+100;
		context = canvas.getContext('2d');

		// Add points

		var x = buttonHeight/2;
		for(var j = 1; j < points; j++) {
			addPoints((x+((buttonWidth-buttonHeight)/points)*j), 0);
		addPoints(buttonWidth-buttonHeight/5, 0);
		addPoints(buttonWidth+buttonHeight/10, buttonHeight/2);
		addPoints(buttonWidth-buttonHeight/5, buttonHeight);
		for(var j = points-1; j > 0; j--) {
			addPoints((x+((buttonWidth-buttonHeight)/points)*j), buttonHeight);
		addPoints(buttonHeight/5, buttonHeight);

		addPoints(-buttonHeight/10, buttonHeight/2);
		addPoints(buttonHeight/5, 0);
		// addPoints(x, 0);
		// addPoints(0, buttonHeight/2);

		// addPoints(0, buttonHeight/2);
		// addPoints(buttonHeight/4, 0);

		// Start render

	 * Add points
	function addPoints(x, y) {
		pointsA.push(new Point(x, y, 1));
		pointsB.push(new Point(x, y, 2));

	 * Point
	function Point(x, y, level) {
	  this.x = this.ix = 50+x;
	  this.y = this.iy = 50+y;
	  this.vx = 0;
	  this.vy = 0;
	  this.cx1 = 0;
	  this.cy1 = 0;
	  this.cx2 = 0;
	  this.cy2 = 0;
	  this.level = level;

	Point.prototype.move = function() {
		this.vx += (this.ix - this.x) / (viscosity*this.level);
		this.vy += (this.iy - this.y) / (viscosity*this.level);

		var dx = this.ix - relMouseX,
			dy = this.iy - relMouseY;
		var relDist = (1-Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))/mouseDist);

		// Move x
		if ((mouseDirectionX > 0 && relMouseX > this.x) || (mouseDirectionX < 0 && relMouseX < this.x)) {
			if (relDist > 0 && relDist < 1) {
				this.vx = (mouseSpeedX / 4) * relDist;
		this.vx *= (1 - damping);
		this.x += this.vx;

		// Move y
		if ((mouseDirectionY > 0 && relMouseY > this.y) || (mouseDirectionY < 0 && relMouseY < this.y)) {
			if (relDist > 0 && relDist < 1) {
				this.vy = (mouseSpeedY / 4) * relDist;
		this.vy *= (1 - damping);
		this.y += this.vy;

	 * Render canvas
	function renderCanvas() {
		// rAF
		rafID = requestAnimationFrame(renderCanvas);

		// Clear scene
		context.clearRect(0, 0, $canvas.width(), $canvas.height());
		context.fillStyle = '#fff';
		context.fillRect(0, 0, $canvas.width(), $canvas.height());

		// Move points
		for (var i = 0; i <= pointsA.length - 1; i++) {

		// Create dynamic gradient
		var gradientX = Math.min(Math.max(mouseX - $canvas.offset().left, 0), $canvas.width());
		var gradientY = Math.min(Math.max(mouseY - $canvas.offset().top, 0), $canvas.height());
		var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(gradientX - $canvas.width()/2, 2) + Math.pow(gradientY - $canvas.height()/2, 2)) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow($canvas.width()/2, 2) + Math.pow($canvas.height()/2, 2));

		var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(gradientX, gradientY, 300+(300*distance), gradientX, gradientY, 0);
		gradient.addColorStop(0, '#000');
		gradient.addColorStop(1, '#343ca4');

		// Draw shapes
		var groups = [pointsA, pointsB]

		for (var j = 0; j <= 1; j++) {
			var points = groups[j];

			if (j == 0) {
				// Background style
				context.fillStyle = '#1CE2D8';
			} else {
				// Foreground style
				context.fillStyle = gradient;

			context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);

			for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
				var p = points[i];
				var nextP = points[i + 1];
				var val = 30*0.552284749831;

				if (nextP != undefined) {
					// if (nextP.ix > p.ix && nextP.iy < p.iy) {
					// 	p.cx1 = p.x;
					// 	p.cy1 = p.y-val;
					// 	p.cx2 = nextP.x-val;
					// 	p.cy2 = nextP.y;
					// } else if (nextP.ix > p.ix && nextP.iy > p.iy) {
					// 	p.cx1 = p.x+val;
					// 	p.cy1 = p.y;
					// 	p.cx2 = nextP.x;
					// 	p.cy2 = nextP.y-val;
					// }  else if (nextP.ix < p.ix && nextP.iy > p.iy) {
					// 	p.cx1 = p.x;
					// 	p.cy1 = p.y+val;
					// 	p.cx2 = nextP.x+val;
					// 	p.cy2 = nextP.y;
					// } else if (nextP.ix < p.ix && nextP.iy < p.iy) {
					// 	p.cx1 = p.x-val;
					// 	p.cy1 = p.y;
					// 	p.cx2 = nextP.x;
					// 	p.cy2 = nextP.y+val;
					// } else {

						p.cx1 = (p.x+nextP.x)/2;
						p.cy1 = (p.y+nextP.y)/2;
						p.cx2 = (p.x+nextP.x)/2;
						p.cy2 = (p.y+nextP.y)/2;

						context.bezierCurveTo(p.x, p.y, p.cx1, p.cy1, p.cx1, p.cy1);
					// 	continue;
					// }

					// context.bezierCurveTo(p.cx1, p.cy1, p.cx2, p.cy2, nextP.x, nextP.y);
				} else {
nextP = points[0];
						p.cx1 = (p.x+nextP.x)/2;
						p.cy1 = (p.y+nextP.y)/2;

						context.bezierCurveTo(p.x, p.y, p.cx1, p.cy1, p.cx1, p.cy1);

			// context.closePath();

		if (showIndicators) {
			// Draw points
			context.fillStyle = '#000';
			for (var i = 0; i < pointsA.length; i++) {
				var p = pointsA[i];

				context.rect(p.x - 1, p.y - 1, 2, 2);

			// Draw controls
			context.fillStyle = '#f00';
			for (var i = 0; i < pointsA.length; i++) {
				var p = pointsA[i];

				context.rect(p.cx1 - 1, p.cy1 - 1, 2, 2);
				context.rect(p.cx2 - 1, p.cy2 - 1, 2, 2);

	// Init
Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
10210 1260 1600

@thirsttrap  you can add this code to the end of theme.liquid file just before </body>

To build shopify pages use PAGEFLY | Contact me - suyash.patankar@gmail.com , My timezone is GMT+5:30.
New Member
19 0 0

Hey @suyash1 , I tried adding it into theme.liquid but it only creates a button at the bottom of the footer on all pages. The rest of the buttons are still the default button.

Shopify Partner
1047 132 146

Hi @thirsttrap 



In the code you intend to add, there are three parts:
1. Script tags, which are JavaScript (JS).
2. HTML code.
3. CSS code.

The CSS and JS work based on the corresponding classes defined in the HTML. (Refer to this example: [screenshot link]).

If you want to integrate this into your theme and apply it to the buttons in the theme:
- There’s no need to add the HTML code.
- Identify the buttons you want to modify and add a new class to them, e.g., `new-code-custom`.
- Update the class names in the JS and CSS code to match the new class you added to the buttons.
- Finally, insert the CSS and JS code before the `</body>` tag in your theme.


Please let me know if it works. Thank you!



Daisy - Avada Support Team.

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Avada SEO & Image Optimizer - The #1 SEO solution
Shopify Partner
1047 132 146

Here are the 3 parts I mentioned above: https://prnt.sc/WVSGK-s2IIO3 


https://prnt.sc/AhrqdY8HkH5n - The CSS and JS work based on the corresponding classes defined in the HTML.

Please let us know if our reply is helpful by giving it a Like or marking it as a Solution!

Avada SEO & Image Optimizer - The #1 SEO solution