Re: Home page showing (1) in title tag

Why does my home page show (1) in the title tag on search engines?

1 0 0

My home page and inner pages show (1) in the title tag on the search engine. Can you please resolve this? 


Below is the snapshot for reference: 


Screenshot 2021-12-20 at 1.14.19 PM.png



Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
462 47 137

Hi @miheso_admin,


I've just quickly checked the code of your store – it's rendering in the code, so it won't be problem with Google showing it in the title. So, two steps to do:


 1. Go to Shopify Admin – Preferences and check if you or anyone else working on the store hasn't accidentally written (1) in the store's title. 

Snímek obrazovky 2021-12-20 v 10.54.39.png


2. If not, go to the code. Find the theme.liquid and in this file, find the <title> section and investigate this piece of code if there hasn't been (1) accidentally added. 


Hope this helps!

Send me a link to your store to and I'll help you out.
For more info what I do, visit my agency website or my personal website

25 0 5

This is not an issue with your code. It is somehow related to chat/inbox. 


Can you confirm you have inbox active on your store to further confirm this? 

7 0 3

Same issue. Is it fixed at your side ?