Why does my stores products scroll to the right/horizontally instead on downwards/vertical?

Why does my stores products scroll to the right/horizontally instead on downwards/vertical?

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For some reason my stores product scroll to the right and left when I want people to be able to scroll up and down instead is there any code to fix this?



shop link: pokemonchaos.myshopify.com

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
1093 58 112

Look to your settings for this section, you probably have set the products to be a slider for which its going left to right in slides.

And honestly man, why would you want such a big header. Your product images are blurry, no design whatsoever in your store. Just some stuffs i noticed, thought i would let you know

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Shopify Partner
80 9 13

Goto Online Store -> Customize-> Find Featured Collection (List of products)-> disable the Enable swipe on mobile



Fazil Nusrat from Brisk Code

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Fazil Nusrat from Brisk Code

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