Wrong image counter in mobile version

Wrong image counter in mobile version

102 0 28

Hi there!

In my mobile version, the image counter always counts one more than the real amount of images.

For example, in this product, I only have 2 images but in the mobile version it shows 3 as the total number of images.

Page: https://venga-store.com/collections/mens-festival-outfits/products/casual-v-neck-knitted-sweater

Theme: Dawn



do you have an idea of what can be happening? 



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
144 27 32

If you're comfortable with editing theme code, look for how the image count is being calculated. In Dawn, this might be in files like product-template.liquid or product-gallery.liquid.
Look for code that counts the images. It might be something like {% for image in product.media %}. Ensure that the logic for counting images is correct and doesn’t include any extra images.

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Hello @miltokas 
To change the counter settings, i need the collaborator access of your store.
i will create something like this for you.(screenshot)


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