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Set minimum order value AFTER discount is applied

Set minimum order value AFTER discount is applied

Shopify Partner
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For a website with a single item, we want to offer a discount of $30,- on this product of $50,- by using unique discount codes. We will give out +/- 100.000 of these codes. 


The problem is that we want our costumers to be able to order max 2 of these items with $30,- off each item with 2 unique discount codes stacked on top of each other (so $100,- with $60,- off = $40,- + shipping total). But it should only be possible to use 1 discount code per product in cart. Right now, it is possible to order 2 items and use 3 discount codes to receive $90,- of a total of $100,-. We want to set a minimum order value of $20,- AFTER the discount is applied,- so this scenario is no longer possible. However, I cant find a way to do this.. Any suggestions on how to solve this? Is there a way to allow only 1 discount code per item in cart, or set a minimum order value after discounts are applied? Appreciate the help.