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Hello, my free trial ended so I need to sign up for a plan. When i try to log in to do that, I get cloudflare Error 1016.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
This issue impacting admins and merchant sign up has now been resolved. If you continue to experience any issues, please try clearing your cache before logging in, or let us know by posting a new topic with as much detail as possible. Thank you for your patience.
- To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Shopify Blog
Shopify's Appbridge is redirecting to a domain ( that isn't being resolved by Cloudflare. Shopify is surfacing this message on mobile to our merchants. This is happening only on Android devices for embedded apps.
I'm getting the same error when trying to login via desktop.
same for me
I am also getting this error.
Hi everyone! We are experiencing some downtime across a range of services right now and our developers are actively investigating the cause. The status page should be updated shortly to reflect this and to allow you to follow along:
I will be marking this reply as a solution so that other partners experiencing this know where to look for updates.
Shay | Social Care @ Shopify
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- To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Shopify Blog
I’m Also getting this error, iPhone and laptop
I cannot access my shopify store to even log in. The store is still up and running, I can still order, but this shows up on the logo area of the receipt. ( refused to connect.) I can access the app on my phone, it is working fine. I can't access anything through my computer.
Can someone please help.
store is
Our developers are aware and actively investigating this. We are experiencing some downtime across a range of services. This should be updated very shortly in our status page here:
I am going to mark this as the solution so that other merchants or partners experiencing this can see.
Shay | Social Care @ Shopify
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- To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Shopify Blog
Hi Shay,
Im glad I saw this because I was trying to figure out what is wrong with my website because I tried to login to work on my shopify store yet I sadly could not due to Error 1016.
Best Regards,
- Hunter.
I am experiencing the same issue. my website is down with Error 1016. hope we can reach a solution soon
Thanks for sharing, same issue.....
Mesmo problema, nem o site
Same here - glad I found this, as I was starting to panic - because I had NO IDEA where to even look to fix this myself. No website work for me right now! 😉
I have the same problem 😩
aqui voltou- valeeu
Same problem here.
I'm having a similar issue. My website still works but shopify won't let me login to my account, it gives me an "Error 1016 Origin DNS error".
I have the same problem
Hi @dabonzai
Our developers are aware and actively investigating this error. We are experiencing some downtime across a range of services. This should be updated very shortly in our status page here:
I am going to mark this as the solution so that other merchants or partners experiencing this can see.
Shay | Social Care @ Shopify
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- Was your question answered? Mark it as an Accepted Solution
- To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Shopify Blog
This is an accepted solution.
This issue impacting admins and merchant sign up has now been resolved. If you continue to experience any issues, please try clearing your cache before logging in, or let us know by posting a new topic with as much detail as possible. Thank you for your patience.
- To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Shopify Blog
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