Re: A Discount Code for Only the *Original* Price (Ignoring Sale Prices)

A Discount Code for Only the *Original* Price (Ignoring Sale Prices)

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Hi there! We are trying to find a way to have a discount code that will only work on the original price of the item, but not come off the current sale price of the item (the "compare-at price").


An example of what we need: We issue a 50% off discount code to a customer, off original prices of items only. If we are selling an item for $80 but it's currently on sale for $75, the discount code would still only take 50% off the original $80 price -- making the final price $40.

Is there a way to do this through Shopify Discounts? Or a reputable app in the Shopify App Marketplace? Thanks in advance, everyone!

Replies 5 (5)

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Hey there

Did you manage to find a solution for this? We have the same issue and keen to try to find a solution




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Did u get a solution on this ?? Its such a basic problem ..

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we ended up having to have an app created by a developer to do this. We are on Shop Plus so I am not sure if it would work on both Plus and standard platforms but assume that it would. It was a private app that the developer built and it needed to be housed on a server. 
I got this done through storetasker.

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Hi Matt, 


any chance you can share the name/email of the developer here or privately?

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Having the same problem guys..any solution to this?