Account wrongfully terminated

Account wrongfully terminated

New Member
6 0 0

I suspect the "team" reviewing account closures is not actually reviewing anything. Despite providing everything they requested and more, including legal documents, bank statements, invoices, and proof of payment, they still informed me that my account remains closed without sharing any details.

Given this level of service and lack of attention to detail, I now realize that Shopify was the wrong choice for me. I have decided to move on and hire someone to build our website from scratch.

Here are my concerns and questions:

  1. Even if Shopify determined that my business does not meet their criteria, why wait until I spent a significant amount of money building the store to inform me?
  2. Why are they holding my $1,200?
  3. Why was I immediately blocked from every aspect of my account? It’s not like I was selling anything illegal; I opened an online pet shop.
  4. Why is support so slow to respond? Shopify took my money, and while I made a few sales to test the system, there has been no word on the money on hold in my account.

Why am I not allowed any limited access to my account? I need to take screenshots to show my web developer what I had done so they can understand my vision outside of Shopify. Couldn’t Shopify simply remove the ability to make sales and accept payments but still allow me access for a few days or even hours to collect data from my store?

This is incredibly unfair. Why not have a more rigorous onboarding process instead of allowing people to invest time, money, and effort only to later block them and keep their money without returning anything?

Is there any recourse here? After this experience, I cannot see myself continuing with Shopify. The service has been terribly poor. I just want to collect data from the store and retrieve my money. Am I not owed at least that?

Replies 2 (2)

New Member
6 0 0



Never Once had a chargeback or dispute on PayPal not even one EVER!

New Member
6 0 0

Why not allow my store but remove your own payment gateway?