Add discount after adding to cart

Add discount after adding to cart

315 0 33

Schermafbeelding 2025-01-16 000020.png

I'm trying to code a volume bundle, I got this code for clicking the Add To Cart button: Jan 16 12:02 AM Codeshare. I want to set a discount of an additional 10% when buying 2 variants of 1 product and an additional 15% when buying 3 or more variants of 1 product. The discount should only be applied to the products added to cart, but it did not work when I tried doing it. Should I use the update cart api to update the cart, or should I do something else I really do not have a clue. Thanks if you want to look into this for me, URL: Glow Curtain: 400 LED Lights for a Magical Ambiance – InteriorGlows

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275 39 42

Hi TrendBlend


When you want to adjust the code and use additional APIs from the theme, I recommend contacting the theme's developer to better understand how the Add to Cart functionality works. Incorrect modifications may cause theme errors and lead to issues with your store.


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