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add to cart button issue

add to cart button issue

Shopify Partner
1 0 1

how i can use add to cart in sutom section?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
250 29 26

every theme generally got buy-buttons  section .  so you could use liquid to add you function directly by using blow code 

render 'buy-buttons', block: block, product: product, product_form_id: product_form_id, section_id: section.id, show_pickup_availability: true  
here is the instruction of the buy-buttons section 

{% comment %}
Renders product buy-buttons.
- product: {Object} product object.
- block: {Object} passing the block information.
- product_form_id: {String} product form id.
- section_id: {String} id of section to which this snippet belongs.
- show_pickup_availability: {Boolean} for the pickup availability. If true the pickup availability is rendered, false - not rendered (optional).

{% render 'buy-buttons', block: block, product: product, product_form_id: product_form_id, section_id: section.id, show_pickup_availability: true %}
{% endcomment %}


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