Adding Ahrefs IP Address to the whitelist of the Shopify website

Adding Ahrefs IP Address to the whitelist of the Shopify website

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I am using Ahrefs SEO for my Shopify store. Recently, the Ahrefs team informed me about an update to their crawler bot, requiring their IP address to be added to the whitelist.

Additionally, the robots.txt file on the website is returning a 403 Forbidden error.

I need assistance with adding the Ahrefs IP address to the whitelist. Can this be done via an API? I'm open to other suggestions as well.



Reply 1 (1)

77 7 8

Hello meenak149,

It seems there might be a bit of confusion in your question. There’s no need to whitelist an IP address for Ahrefs specifically in Shopify. If you're asking about allowing Ahrefs bots to crawl your website, you can achieve this by modifying the rules for bots in your theme.

To allow Ahrefs bots explicitly, you can include the following in your theme.liquid file under the <head> section:


User-agent: AhrefsSiteAudit

Allow: /


User-agent: AhrefsBot

Allow: /



and following is the robots.txt editing answer


Do open this link and follow the instructions.

Thank you,

Hope this helps!

Stay inspired,
Best regards,
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