Adding Payment Icons to Footer


Adding Payment Icons to Footer

114 1 18


I dont have Shopify payments or paypal. I have a different payment provider and I want to add that icon to the footer, along with Visa and mastercard.

I have tried shopify tutorial to replace the code in footer.liquid but no success.

I dont want my site to be public here on this thread so if you can help me I would be super appreciative and PM you the site URL and then you can post solution and I will happily accept solution and like your answer. Thank you so much!

Accepted Solution (1)
Shopify Partner
164 23 27

This is an accepted solution.

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Replies 5 (5)
114 1 18

Issue has not been resolved, I need help please. Thank you

Shopify Partner
164 23 27

Hi @manoman 


What is the payment provider you want to add? In the following code, 'klarna' is configured separately, and you can also use this method


        {%- if section.settings.payment_enable -%}
          <div class="footer__payment">
            <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'sections.footer.payment' | t }}</span>
            <ul class="list list-payment" role="list">
              {%- for type in shop.enabled_payment_types -%}
                <li class="list-payment__item">
                  {{ type | payment_type_svg_tag: class: 'icon icon--full-color' }}
              {%- endfor -%}
              <li class="list-payment__item">
                {{ 'klarna' | payment_type_svg_tag: class: 'icon icon--full-color' }}
        {%- endif -%}


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114 1 18

What do I do with this exactly? Where to put it, or what should I replace? Thanks for the reply. 

Shopify Partner
164 23 27

This is an accepted solution.

I can help you with it. So I need to access your store as a collaborator if possible.

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114 1 18

Thank you! I have pmd site url and collab code