Re: Adding "@customer" instagram username to customers info

Adding "@customer" instagram username to customers info

11 0 2

Am I an idiot or is there no way to add an instagram username (@whatever customer) to the customer's info? 


I would like to be able to search my customers profiles or orders and find them with their instagram username so when I'm talking to a customer via instagram DM I can pull up their order. 


I have read on the help forum that you can export a .CSV of customers and search the .CSV file but I exported the file from the customer page and from the orders page, opened the file and there are no columns for notes, timeline comments, etc. 

People have been asking for this for years, seems like it's intentional not just an oversight. Does anyone have a solution?


Can we add a field to the customer's info or at least search the timeline comments. Is there some way that everyone is using that I just don't know about?

Replies 2 (2)

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Hi @tmod ,


You can make use of meta field to store customer's instagram handle. This way you can use filter to find customer with certain instagram handle.



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11 0 2

Thank you for the help Mekka, that sounded like I great way to do it, until I tried it. I don't really use filters so I figured it out but it ended up being a lot of fiddling around to get it to work and it still doesn't solve the problem. When I export the .csv I was unable to search the file for metafield data. That's fine because that is more hassle than I'd like it to be honestly. 


I love that I can add a data field in the customers info, is there a way to add a field under the customer's info so it will show up under their name, address, phone? It would be, at least for me, most useful if it would appear under the customer's info, in the customers contact information that is displayed under Customers and under each Order. Is that possible, can I add a field that is searchable under the customers' info?














I just figured out that I can add each IG handle as a tag in the Order, (this way I can search for it later on without having to export and open a spreadsheet then search the spreadsheet), but the downfall to this is that I have to open each one of the customers orders to see which order was tagged with the handle. Easier, but still kinda lousy IMO. 



Thank you again for the help, I appreciate it !