Adjusting the amount of products in collection row

Adjusting the amount of products in collection row

11 0 1

Hey guys, need a hand with this.

Currently, on the home page of my clients website we have 'best sellers' showcasing just below a slideshow.

In this row, there are 3 products. However, I need 4 products to sit on one row.

Is this a possiblilty? Image and website link attached below.


Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 19.22.01.png


Replies 2 (2)

1 0 0

To assist you with resolving the issue, please provide more specific details about the problem you're encountering on your store. Here are a few steps you might consider:

  1. Describe the Issue Clearly: Provide a detailed description of the problem, including any error messages or unusual behavior you are experiencing.

  2. Share Relevant Code or Configuration: If applicable, share snippets of code or configuration settings that may be related to the issue. This can help in diagnosing the problem more effectively.

  3. Steps Already Taken: Outline any troubleshooting steps you have already attempted. This will help avoid repetition and focus on new solutions.If you can provide this additional information, it will help others offer more accurate and useful assistance.


Thank you for reaching out!


11 0 1

Also, why is the section left aligned?