All things Shopify and commerce
I have been online with support for about an hour. Thought I would post here to see if anyone else is having this problem. On 7/5 the Amazon sales channel stopped sending shipping / tracking info to Amazon. I currently have 150+ shipped orders processed through shopify that show unshipped in Amazon.
Really hoping I dont have to copy/paste all those tracking numbers over.
Anyone else having this issue?
Do we know if anyone from Shopify actual monitors these forums, or do we need to each send in a ticket with a copy of this thread to support to get them to fix it?
I would think Shopify would be all over getting this fixed. The easiest way for me is to just ship through Amazon and SHopify is losing a LOT of money on labels if we start doing that. I estimate Shopify made $30k off my labels last year I used for Amazon orders.
I have manually entered all my tracking with the correct shipping date but my late shipping rate was not corrected. Because I did not notice the orders not being shown as shipped I now have a 27.99% late shipping rate in Amazon and a nasty gram about risk of suspension.
I found its easier to manually enter the tracking copying from the detail of the list of shipping after printing the labels and matching the names in Amazon seller central.
Having this same problem, opened a ticket with Shopfiy and they basically told me there is no timeframe for a fix and that I should pay some 3rd party app to resolve their problem. Pretty irate about that kind of response.
I entered all my tracking info manually and put the correct shipping date. My metrics were not corrected. I reopened my case and was told the metrics would not be corrected if the customer received the shipment prior to the tracking being manually entered. This is not the case however. Only two of my packages were delivered prior to me correcting the tracking but it shows I have over 100 late shipments.
The level of support from both companies is pathetic. Below is my Amaon case info. I know this is the SHopify support site but since we are all dealing with the same issues I wanted to share.
Amazon Response:
Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,
@Patyrn wrote:Having this same problem, opened a ticket with Shopfiy and they basically told me there is no timeframe for a fix and that I should pay some 3rd party app to resolve their problem. Pretty irate about that kind of response.
I have gone back and forth with support on this issue and today I received this exact response and am extremely angry and disappointed they are handling the issue like this.
Same here, Shopify wants me to sue a 3rd party $20 fee product to solve their problem. Pretty sad considering Shopify is rich in equity $1500 per share stock price. Throw money at this and fix it asap or risk loosing customers. Are they clueless?
Ugh, fellow seller here: same issues it seems -- issues happening 7/5 thereabouts and 100s of orders not updated:
I'm open to paying for a solution just to save an hour a day of manual updates by my warehouse -- do any SELLERS have a good rec on an easy-to-use app? (Also ITT: garbage app developers pitching nonrelevant apps for views 😞 wish I could downvote them.)
Wow! Everyone who is having some trouble with this issue might want to check your inventory. Along with everything else, it looks like Shopify is not updating inventory quantities to Amazon either. If you sell an item on your Shopify store, it does not then update the quantity to Amazon, which leaves you in danger of overselling. BAD BAD BAD.
Just got off the phone with Shopify support. While they didn't have any actual answers, at least this time they acknowledged that there is a problem. I would encourage anyone who is having issues to post here so they can get an idea of how widespread this is. It seems that the problems are all in Shopify sending info to Amazon, but Amazon can send info to Shopify no problem.
IE, Amazon to Shopify seems to work ----> Orders on Amazon get sent to Shopify. No problem.
Shopify does not send fulfillment data to Amazon to mark orders as fulfilled.
Shopify is not sending data to Amazon to list new inventory items (everything is stuck in pending forever)
Shopify is not updating inventory quantities. If you sell something on your website, inventory on Amazon does not get reduced. I would assume that if you restock an item, and increase your inventory, that will also not be correctly updated. THIS ONE IS CRITICAL, YOU RUN THE RISK OF OVERSELLING.
Edit: I tried to respond to another comment and it didn't stick. Deleted.
Yes, experiencing the same issues with shipping and inventory. Now our flawless Amazon metrics are showing: "Your account is at risk of deactivation" ☹️
Word on the Amazon forums is that Amazon changed what is needed for their API, they told Shopify about this in February and nothing happened.
It does seem like a Shopify issue, if you think about it. It's not passing on the information generated on the Shopify side.
I, too, am having the problem with tracking and ship date information not being passed to Amazon. Now I have late shipments and I am in violation of Amazon policies and thus, may be deactivated.
Even after manually copy and pasting tracking information, it STILL says my shipments are all late. I have no idea how to fix it. Even though the ship by and ship date match, it's saying that they are late. My guess is that Shopify is passing something through AFTER I manually corrected it on the Amazon side.
Hope it gets fixed, soon. My sales are down 95%.
Gidget thats what I am experiencing. I am putting in the tracking and the date shipped into Amazon manually and its showing shipped late. I am literally having an argument via an Amaon support ticket with their team why this is NOT my fault.
Keep opening tickets and send links to this discussion. Be the squeaky wheel.
Has anyone come up with a way to create a file with Amazon number and tracking number? It would make copy/paste to Amazon much quicker.
Our sales have been dramatically affected as well. Plus, our ads don't seem to be showing since we were threatened with deactivation. We are paying a company to manage these ads so this is very frustrating. I'm a little worried that our 30-day LSR will continue to deteriorate since our sales are a fraction of what they once were (ie the denominator is going to get smaller but the late shipments will not improve until the 30 day window has passed.)
For anyone who facing an issue with update the tracking code, one possible solution will be uploading the tracking code via Excel upload. It's still required manual operation but could be better than doing this one by one
Here a relevant link to an amazon article (amazon US) -
Direct link to shipping confirmation template -
This template should be uploaded at Orders > Upload Order Related Files.
and one more person with the same issue of the shipping confirmation not making it back to Amazon, who then complains that I am shipping late, despite having shipped many days ago.
Same issue. Just started over July 4th weekend. Amazon is being extremely difficult in resolving the LSR damage. One rep has said they are aware of the issue but I need "concrete proof" to show her that my shipments were not late. Half my shipments were delivered already before I even realized on Wednesday the shipping info was not updated.
More word's from Amazon "Also if the fault lies with shopify as a final result the metrics will not be updated as they represent your company for the metrics as the service used. It does not actually matter when items were actually shipped, it matters what caused the orders to be marked late which was failure to ship items on time which lies with the XML file upload and response message. As if they got an error in the respose and choose to ignore it and say to you that all was updated that shopify's fault not Amazon's."
So Late Shipping Rate has ABSOLUTLY nothing to do with when it actually shipped. yeah that makes tons of sense.
I jst keep reopening my case with Amazon. As soon as I do they close it with some BS. I just keep asking them to acknowledge they are aware of the problem and that my orders did ship on time. If I can at least get that, if I get suspended I have something in writing to fall back on.
If you have never been through a suspension I can tell you it is a terrible process to get reinstated. I have twice and both times were for completely BS reasons. I am 100% positive is was caused by my one and only competitor.
Ok, so we know that Amazon won't help us and Shopify is being stubborn about recognizing and fixing it. So, what can we do?
I am going to start shipping from Amazon (unless the rates are outrageous) to keep it encapsulated on their platform. I manually entered ship dates that were truthful, correct and within their ship by day, but since I added them a day AFTER the ship by day, they were counted as "late" OR shopify went behind my back and changed them, somehow.
So... at the risk of really screwing up my inventory system, I may turn the Amazon API off on my shopify store. If that's what needs to happen, I shall do it.
Does anyone else have any other ideas or solutions? I don't think opening tickets or complaining will do anything. Amazon has a tight grip on us... we follow or fail.
Sidenote... Shopify launched their bulk shipping thingamadoo the same weekend we started having Amazon problems. I wonder if that's where the issues emerged from.
@gidgetgadget your side note is interesting. My life experience has been when there are technological issues its always because something else has changed and no one realized that change affected another part.
Where I purchase my postage isn't that big of a concern for me, all the platforms seem to have the sample pricing. Tracking my inventory across multiple marketplaces is my biggest concern.
I received this from Shopify support. Thought I would share for possible interim solutions.
I received a response from our tech team. They said the following:
"“Our Amazon channel is experiencing a few technical issues and we aren’t able to provide a timeframe for resolution at the moment. Given the importance of this integration, I’d recommend looking at some of our apps supported by third party developers. Our partners have teams dedicated to working with Amazon’s updates, so they are less likely to run into similar issues". We are currently working with few partners on new Amazon sales channels and we would be happy to offer you early access. You can find these partners here:
So a $186B market cap company is seriously saying it doesn't have the resources to keep up a basic API integration with Amazon that it sells as a core feature of its platform?
As someone mentioned earlier, you might want to cross check inventory in Shopify and Amazon if you are using Shopify to manage inventory. The issue with tracking info not being sent over was the initial problem that I discovered, which is annoying but can be tediously worked around. After digging more, I discovered inventory changes aren't being synced to Amazon either. The fact that inventory is not syncing properly is a MUCH bigger deal as it puts us at huge risk of overselling product that we don't have and I can't think of a good workaround other than disconnecting Amazon and dividing up our inventory between the two plaforms. What an utter cluster. I can only say at least this didn't happen around the holidays.
I highly encourage anyone having issues to reach out to shopify support and reference this thread. Clearly they need some pressure to get this resolved and to treat it seriously.
Takes very little extra time to ship in shopify and keep the amazon seller central orders page open at the same time.
I am shipping through 3rd party endicia postage which copies tracking number into clipboard, then just paste it into the shopify confirm order and the same with amazon confirmed order. Just one more step. You really want to do this so you can continue to capture the data on the shopify side for customer service.
If you do a lot of business on both platforms you may want to call the shipping on you amazon orders something different so you can sort by shipping type then order date, this way everything lines up perfect on both platforms. What a pain.
Both companies have the need to resolve this issue as it creates problems for us on both platforms. No way in hell I am paying more to a 3rd party to solve this issue.
You may want to add a day to processing time in Amazon until we get a handle on this.
I am doing a split screen and highlight - drag over to the Amazon page. It drags the shipping price with it so I have to back space 5 times to delete it. Im getting pretty damn fast at it!
I m doing about 100 Amazon orders a day. I have found that filtering my orders from Amazon and doing all those labels together lines them up pretty well then I just match by name. I am also taking time during the day to batches of labels rather than all at once which seems less fatiguing on my eyes and brain. I dont know why but highlighting and dragging for an hour wears me out!
Begs the question, if Shopify can't provide the service we are paying for, should we be receiving a discount?
Amazons shipping platform is TERRIBLE. Its still easier for me to copy and paste from SHopify than struggle through Amazon shipping.
I'm having the same issue since Monday July 5, when I fulfull Amazon orders in Shopify tracking isn't posted to Amazon. It took us a few days to notice that the Amazon orders weren't getting shipments confirmed by shopify, so now our Amazon account is in warning risk of deactivation due to late shipments (even though the shipments went out on time).
I also just noticed that my inventory counts don't seem to be properly syncing to Amazon from Shopify anymore.
I talked with Shopify support on Friday July 9 and they acknowledged there was a problem but haven't given me any sort of ETA for a fix.
For this to go on for a full week without a fix is complelely unacceptable.
We are having the same problem and are outraged with Shopify over this
Shopidy makes about a 100% markup on labels purchased through them. If people are processing through Amazon I cant imagine they would be putting every effort into this.
Im betting this is some sort of contractual agreement issue between Shopify and Amazon because Amazon loses all those labels. I see no upside for Amazon to allow a Shopify integration unless Shopify is paying for it.
Amazon prob lost $50k in label profit just from me alone last year by letting mt labels go through Shopify.
Same problem here. No change as of this morning. One week in with this. Support didn't have any answer for me but emailed suggesting I look at app integrations. Didn't care for that.
The way to get Shopify to fix this issue is to inform Wall Street. If the stock price starts to reflect the fact Shopify is no longer integrated with Amazon, it will get fixed. Currently Shopify does not have a product to sell. It is broken and there is no sense of urgency to fix it. We're still getting charged all our fees right on time though. I've spoken, chatted, and emailed over a dozen Shopify gurus and no fix, no timeline, no update, nothing. Sellers will be punished by Amazon and businesses damaged severely as this continues. With thousands of product on Amazon, there is no way to manually update new inventory as it is received, update sold inventory to prevent overselling, and spend hours each day updating tracking manually.
Anyone here familiar with ShipStation? Do you know if it handles keeping inventory synchronized across sales channels?
At this point I no longer trust shopify to handle multi-channel fulfillment and inventory synchronization and am considering switching to an alternate platform for that.
Seeing the same issue. Need to do some digging to see if we're having the inventory synching issue as well.
I just received an invite for early access to two Amazon channel apps from Shopify. Turns out they are third party apps and require payment for more than 50 Amazon merchant fulfilled orders/month. Shopify support said that the built-in Amazon channel is basically going away, and it appears now we will have to pay for that functionality. Where was the warning about this? Like others on the thread, we get Amazon orders every day, and to just cut the channel off with no warning is unacceptable.
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