Antiprivacy practices? A warning for merchants

Antiprivacy practices? A warning for merchants

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Dear Shopify: In your quest to harvest and sell personal data, you have clearly started blocking relay email addresses. and Firefox Relay.  I tried both while visiting a shopify store recently and got the message "You need to use a valid email".  So I put in a disposable gmail, and it worked fine.

Cracking down on people that don't want junk mail and don't want their data sold or stolen?  THAT is your business model? 

Okay, cool.  You leave me no choice.  I will no longer do ANY business with ANY company that uses shopify.  You hear that, merchants? You may have had my business, but now you won't, thanks to Shopify. 


Take from that what you will.  If you care, great.  If you don't, great.  IDGAF.  All I know is I'm DONE with shopify sites.

FU shopify, you filthy **bleep**.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
430 29 115

It's pretty obvious that this is a measure to reduce spam and fraud...

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