Re: Apply discount together with free shipping


Apply discount together with free shipping

Shopify Partner
22 0 27



Is there a way I can apply a fixed discount (or percentage) together with free shipping? Or any workaround?



Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
3408 463 1013

This is an accepted solution.

Hey everyone,


Good news! Discount Combinations are here. You can now combine discount codes (manual or automatic) and have multiple automatic discounts running at the same time. Check out our announcement to learn more!


This also works with the newly released option to create automatic free shipping discount feature we launched September 13. 


If you have questions about Discount Combinations then please create a new post in the Shopify Discussions board. If you need account specific help with your discounts, then please contact Shopify Support directly.


Thank you!

Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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View solution in original post

Replies 353 (353)
4 0 2
Great if we can get some attention for what seems an obvious requirement.
45 0 31

What I do is make free things weigh zero. So anything that ships free would be in shipping class for items below .01 lbs. Which also works if they get the item and some that require shipping. So that item will add no weight and in effect getting it free shipping, but not the other.


However, this is not a way to do this. I should be able to offer any item in my store at a discount AND with free shipping if I want. All this trickery only works in specific cases and the average user might not figure out how to trick it into working. This is POOR customer service on Shopify’s part. It makes me think there must be some crazy programming entanglement that is making this impossible to do. Otherwise, you would think they would just have done it years ago.

7 0 2

I believe I have that set up and it does not work for my desired scenario. I set a rule in shipping that shipping is free for orders over $150. That's a general rule I want for all orders. But when a customer inputs a discount code the system looks at the resulting balance to decide the shipping rate, not the total before the discount is applied. Thus, in many cases, the balance will drop below the free shipping threshhold and then free shipping will no longer apply.


You give with one hand but take with the other - not a good customer experience.


In my particular scenario, I have a partner that sells my products for me, issuing my one off promo codes for redemption in my store. Customers thus often spend $200 or more and still have to pay for shipping despite the site promising free shipping for orders over $150. I realise I should just not support this scenario but I can't think of a better way other than closing down this channel.

1 0 1



Any updates about discount and free shipping discount combo feautre?


It has been request since 2018, how many votes it require to get an approval for developing it!




45 0 31

I suspect there are people leaving the platform for this. Some businesses really need this and I can see someone leaving a platform they otherwise love — but just need this basic function.


There must be some huge coding issue with this as I also see no plug-ins that do this. All the coupon code plug-ins I have seen just offer the same attributes that the basic Shopify does, they just allow customization of codes and bulk generation.

1 0 0

I was about to bring my biggest store to Shopify from WooCommerce but this ridiculous lack changed my mind. This just can not be a complicated thing to fix but really really crucial for many business..

Shopify Partner
8 0 2
Please search this thread I have responded on how I have worked around the issue. You set the free shipping up as a ship rate and apply it in addition to your discount
1 0 1

+ 1 vote for me - ASAP PLEASE

Shopify Partner
8 0 2
In the thread I posted how I figured out how to do it . Create a free shipping rate and apply it conditionally then set your product discount as you would normally.
1 0 0

another vote from me please!

45 0 31

Shopify Partner
8 0 2
Sure it does just apply free shipping to everything as a rate.
2 0 6

@CPG, you need to start reading threads from others on why it doesn't work instead of just pushing your very narrow and targeted solution.

Shopify Partner
18 1 3

+1 My vote too. Its disturbing that such a simple and important option is non existent! 

You may be the biggest but whats the point if we have to run the shop like you want instead of like we want!

1 0 1

A vote from me as well please

4 0 2

This request for discount and free shipping seems such a requirement that people have been asking for months. 

We also require this. 

Why has shopify not actioned this request yet?

Thank you 



1 0 0

I would also vote for option to add free shipping to another discount please. 

2 0 0

I would also like to vote for this feature!

45 0 31

Is there a way to implore a Shopify associate to respond to one of these threads? Maybe create a new thread titled, “We Insist that Shopify respond to the request of combined discount and free shipping”? Then everyone here add to the conversation to keep it up top and each one insist on an explanation of why this seems impossible to get done.

45 0 31

I actually don’t have the same dire need anymore for this, but still do smaller campaigns that need this for maybe 100 backers. But I had to do a workaround for a 15,000 backer campaign that essentially forced me to compromise my shipping methods storewide for almost a year.

5 0 2
That's dangerous!

1 0 1

There is a solution that might work for some of you. This works if the price of the item, after the discount is applied, is unique in your shop.

Example: The price of your Item is 39.99 minus 15% discount is 33.99. So if there is no other item in your shop which costs 33.99 you could simply add a new shipping rate.

You would call it "Free Shipping" and set the condition of the rate to "Based on Order Price" and set the min and the max to 33.99

Note: It doesn't work if the customer orders multiple items.

I think the best use case for this is, if you want to make the whole order for free and don't want to charge shipping for the already free order. In that case just set the min and max to 0.00

1 0 3

Hi Peter, I have extensively looked through the comments here. It has been two years since the initial post querying the possibility of specifically offering a discount code to customers and allowing them once off free shipping. Has there been a solution because you seem to portray that this is important but not having something two years later shows us we are being treated as if we are not important, do not say things to appease people if something so basic in your long list of requests isn't a priority, then I genuinely believe Shopify has an ulterior motive. All sites on lower levels then Shopify have this feature, so either you are not as well put together as lead to believe/ Shopify has another reason or I suggest you activate the code.


Come on. You make money when we do, allow us to do that please.

1 0 1

We need this feature also!

2 0 19

@Trevor  Please ignore my vote for this feature as well.

4 0 6

We definitely need this feature as well!

It's totally weird that Shopify would not act upon this request by so many users for such a long time. 

Seems so easy to install a new class of promo codes that would allow "discount" + "free shipping". Any other eComm system offers this...

2 0 0


i have same question, "Is there a way I can apply a fixed discount (or percentage) together with free shipping?"

i was looking all possibility to create a discount code percentage together with free shipping, but couldn't see any options.

Team Shopify awaiting a solution for this.



15 0 34

I am also interested in this feature please, thanks!

1 0 3

Also wanting this... I can't believe this isn't a standard feature in 2020.

1 0 2

We need this feature too!  Free shipping and % discount on same order with single discount code for a specific customer group.  Please add our vote too!

5 0 1

This is just so ridiculous. 22 pages, 2 years, what sign is Shopify still waiting for?

All discount options are so outdated it's unbelievable. 

Besides the obvious Discount + Free Shipping, they also should add a "fixed amount" to buy X and get Y, not just % on free.

Shopify Partner
5 0 6

Yes, it's beyond ridiculous.  I can't wait until my colleague retires, and I take over the website and switch us to a better platform away from Shopify.  My husband had an issue with a Wordpress update, contacted them and they put a whole team on it to try to solve the issue immediately.  On the other hand, this request been going on for years and is a basic problem most people would think would be a standard option.  Clearly Shopify does not care about its customers.

1 0 1

Add my vote to this! We offer free shipping over $100, and offer promotional % discounts. Need this!

1 0 3

2 years and 22 pages, and still not an option? WOW.

15 2 8

It amazes me this feature still isn't available. Please add my vote.


8 0 5

Add my vote ...

I even tried to set a fixed $ amount discount that would cover shipping to make an order free, but no dice. I don't see a way to do that without having a free shipping rate that everyone could access.

1 0 1

+1 vote

2 0 1

Hello to all.
For 'Shopify plus' stores you can use the free 'script editor' app and this setup guide (Change in shipping cost depending on discount code):

2 0 1

Thanks for this update! 

Just to be clear does that meant that the only way to do this is to spend 2000USD per month and then manually edit script. 

Can someone from the team reach out. 

This price point is a giant barrier to entry for a simple ficntion/ 


I would like to 

Free shipping over $60 spend. 

Plus allow customers to use a discount code. 

This seems simple? 

What am I missing? 



2 0 1

I slightly changed the code from the guide, for the sake of simplicity. Checked, works.
We are planning to launch the action in the near future.
But yes, alas, this is only for shops of the "Shopify Plus" plan, unfortunately I cannot suggest another variant at the moment.
I'll just leave it here, hopefully someone will come in handy.


    codes: ['SOMECODE', 'OTHERCODE'],
    d_type: :percent, # :percent/:money
    d_value: 100,
    d_message: 'Free shipping'

CONDITIONS_FOR_DISCOUNT.each do |condition|
  next unless Input.cart.discount_code && condition[:codes].include?(Input.cart.discount_code.code.upcase.strip)
  Input.shipping_rates.each do |shipping_rate|
    discount_amount = if condition[:d_type] == :percent
      condition[:d_value] * 0.01 * shipping_rate.price
    else 100) * condition[:d_value]
    shipping_rate.apply_discount(discount_amount, message: condition[:d_message])

Output.shipping_rates = Input.shipping_rates


 ** script type 'Shipping'

9 0 3

So is there a way to combine percentage discount and free shipping?

1 0 1

Please add us to the list as well.  We desperately need this feature and do not believe we should have to pay extra for this feature.  Thanks. 

14 0 6

Adding my vote to this too.

1 0 0

Add my vote

13 0 3

Hello @Tehreem 

Hope you are doing well!

I have gone through your requirements and found a perfect app for you called iCart Cart Drawer Cart Upsell by Identixweb which will surely fulfill your need. This app has a widget called Progress Bar in which you can give discount along with free shipping for your customers. Please feel free to install this app and take the advantage of its 14 days free trial. Hope this will help.


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1 0 2



Page 27... pretty ridiculous.

1 0 0

You doing this or not?

1 0 5

have been reading this thread  from Page 1 to page 27 and  seems all wanted this feature. Yet after 3  years no change 😞

Just wondering Votes are not going anywhere or may be down the drain. Feature request is supposed to be taken seriously. How ridiculous it an be for a multibilllion dollar company to implement a basic feature to combine a Coupon with free shipping.


Like if all agree and see the tme stamp of all post related to this topic......

3 0 1

I can't see a reason why a company wouldn't implement this feature without some kind of ulterior motive based on 3+ years of upvotes. Perhaps to prevent their app ecosystem from suffering? It doesn't even seem like there's an adequate and seamless solution in the app exchange. Blows my mind.

45 0 31

How many $4 or $10 a month apps do I need to be paying for in order to get this platform doing what I need? I get exporting to Etsy or running mini-crowd funds require plug ins. But stuff like this shouldn’t cost us $5 a month for the rest of our lives. I mean, IF Shopify implemented this feature it would represent about ten cents worth of what we pay each month for using the platform. That is the REAL problem with this model. These things are only WORTH that much a month due to the nature of them being unavailable. Like if I had to pay $20 a month to get an elevator to my apartment on the 10th floor, I would have to do that. But if it was just part of the building— as it should be… the value of that elevator is negligible at best.