Are the DMARC changes required when sending less than 5000 emails a day?

Are the DMARC changes required when sending less than 5000 emails a day?

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I am not technical at all and am getting spooked by the need to make changes on my domain.  I contacted my domain provider and was told the DMARC could not be added to my email service and that I would have to move/upgrade (at quite an expense) to a dedicated MS360 service.  Which is a pain on a few levels.  But then I found this article ( on google which seems to imply that the rules insisting on having this DMARC thing will only apply if you send >5000 email a day.  So, tempted to leave things as they are.  But fear that the solution detailed in the recent Spotify email ("If you take no action, we will rewrite your sender email to [a Shopify email rather than my branded email} to meet the minimum requirements so that you can continue sending emails to your customers with no interruption") will still apply and my customers will start getting my emails from a different address??  I'm so confused...  Anyone out there that can help me navigate this please?

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all sites need this. in the url you sent (which is official from google) there is a dropdown section about the 5000 which says "Requirement for all senders" which means under 5000 Teaches Shopify and Solves Ecommerce Problems for Free. See our Youtube Channel for Tutorials -
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