Attaching a full-size image with the New Order Notification

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I'm using this line to show the product image in the New Order notification email. I need a full size image to be attached with this email. I'm currently using this line and it is displaying a blurry image. 


<img style="width:200px!important;height:auto;" src="{{ line | img_url }}" align="left" width="60" height="60" class="order-list__product-image"/>


I need the same clarity, same size image as i've uploaded in the product image. Please suggest what i need to change here to get the same dimension product image as i've uploaded to Shopify products section.



Also, how can i change the font size of the text in the New Order notification? 


Appreciate your help



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I would also like instructions on this - I need a full size product image in email notifications