B2B order processing without a Wholesale area

B2B order processing without a Wholesale area

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Hello out there!! I hope someone will be able to help me. 

We have a B2C shopify store which works great but we also have wholesale customers (B2B). We have been processing our B2B orders outside of Shopify in a rather old school way and I want to be able to do everything in our Shopify account. We do not want a separate Wholesale page where the B2B customers log in and place their own order. They prefer to just email, text or call us. 

My question is, how can I set the B2B customer up in Shopify with their wholesale pricing so I can enter and process their order, provide an invoice and set terms ( some customers have to prepay, some have terms)? We do not have Shopify Plus. We are not opposed to using an app but there are so many out there. 

Hope that makes sense! Thank you in advance.

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
297 57 134

Hey @Want2Know! My personal recommendation for any B2B features without Shopify Plus would be to use the Sparklayer B2B app, and specifically it sounds like you would probably be interested in their sales agent ordering feature: https://docs.sparklayer.io/sales-agent-ordering

Brett | Helium
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Thanks @Brett_Helium, that app defiantly looks to be perfect but unfortunately is pricey. Would you by chance be able to recommend any other apps that I should check out? 

Much appreciated!

Shopify Partner
297 57 134

I am a lot less familiar with them and not sure if they have the specific features you are looking for, but you could check out Wholesale Gorilla.


It may also be worth reaching out to the Sparklayer team directly, I know their support is generally great and it's possible that they would be able to work with you on some sort of discount or custom plan.

Brett | Helium
- Customer Fields ✪✪✪✪✪ (360+ reviews)
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Shopify Partner
525 38 139

Hi Want2Know,


If all you want is to make some customers have to prepay, and while making others have terms (I'm assuming Net30), then you can try an app that lets you hide payment methods from customers based on their tags.


For example, you could have a Net30 payment method in your store, and use an app like HidePay, BeSure Checkout Rules, Puco Checkout Rules, etc. (I'm not affiliated with any of these apps) to hide it from everyone who doesn't have the tag "net30."


There are tons of apps that do this:




You also mentioned "wholesale pricing," so I'm wondering if you are also trying to provide special discounts on your inventory to wholesale customers.


If so, then you can try our app, Regios Automatic Discounts (4.9 stars, Built for Shopify), which allows you to create automatic discounts for customers with specific tags, and more.


If you have any questions about this, just reply, and I'll be happy to help.




Founder, Regios Discounts app (4.8 stars, 81 reviews, Built for Shopify)
- Custom discounts made simple
- "Just about any discount you'll ever need"
- Built by an ex-Google software engineer
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Hi Tobe, I've actually been looking at the app you mentioned. Maybe you can help me, would your app be able to do everything we are looking for...

We manually process our B2B customer orders. We currently do not wish to have a separate area on our website where wholesale customers can sign in. We are looking for an app where we can create multiple price lists and use tags to link prices to different wholesale customers. We would also like to be able to add % discounts when needed. The app would have to work with different currencies. We also would need to be able to print invoices out that include our customers PO# and our invoice#. The option to add free items like testers would be beneficial as well so we can track who and when they have received them. I hope this makes sense. Would the Regios Automatic Discount app be able to do all that we are looking to do? Thanks!