All things Shopify and commerce
import { redirect } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate, BASIC_PLAN, BUSINESS_PLAN, PRO_PLAN } from "../shopify.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }) => {
try {
const { billing, session } = await authenticate.admin(request);
const { shop } = session;
const myShop = shop.replace("", "");
// Extract the plan from the URL query parameters
const url = new URL(request.url);
const selectedPlan = url.searchParams.get("plan");
const plansNames = {
basic: BASIC_PLAN,
business: BUSINESS_PLAN,
pro: PRO_PLAN,
const plan = plansNames[selectedPlan];
if (!plan) {
console.log("Invalid plan selected");
return new Response("Invalid plan selected", { status: 400 });
try {
await billing.require({
plans: [plan],
onFailure: async () => {
await billing.request({
plan: plan,
isTest: true,
returnUrl: `${myShop}/apps/${process.env.APP_NAME}/app/pricing`
// If we reach here, it means the billing.require didn't throw and didn't return true
return new Response("Unexpected billing result", { status: 500 });
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Response && error.status === 302) {
// This is the redirect to the payment URL
return error;
console.error("Error upgrading plan:", error);
return new Response("Error processing upgrade request", { status: 500 });
} catch (authError) {
console.error("Authentication failed:", authError);
return new Response("Authentication failed", { status: 401 });
This is my code why I am getting this error , When i try to change the plan
this is the error :
Error upgrading plan: Response {
15:41:43 │ remix │ [Symbol(realm)]: { settingsObject: {} },
15:41:43 │ remix │ [Symbol(state)]: {
15:41:43 │ remix │ aborted: false,
15:41:43 │ remix │ rangeRequested: false,
15:41:43 │ remix │ timingAllowPassed: false,
15:41:43 │ remix │ requestIncludesCredentials: false,
15:41:43 │ remix │ type: 'default',
15:41:43 │ remix │ status: 401,
15:41:43 │ remix │ timingInfo: null,
15:41:43 │ remix │ cacheState: '',
15:41:43 │ remix │ statusText: 'Unauthorized',
15:41:43 │ remix │ headersList: HeadersList {
15:41:43 │ remix │ cookies: null,
15:41:43 │ remix │ [Symbol(headers map)]: [Map],
15:41:43 │ remix │ [Symbol(headers map sorted)]: null
15:41:43 │ remix │ },
15:41:43 │ remix │ urlList: []
15:41:43 │ remix │ },
15:41:43 │ remix │ [Symbol(headers)]: HeadersList {
15:41:43 │ remix │ cookies: null,
15:41:43 │ remix │ [Symbol(headers map)]: Map(1) {
15:41:43 │ remix │ 'x-shopify-api-request-failure-reauthorize-url' => [Object]
15:41:43 │ remix │ },
15:41:43 │ remix │ [Symbol(headers map sorted)]: null
15:41:43 │ remix │ }
15:41:43 │ remix │ }
the thing is that ,
when i refresh the page it took me to the approval page
The error may be due to these reasons:
Invalid selectedPlan: Ensure the plan query parameter in the URL is valid (e.g., "basic", "business", or "pro"). If it's invalid, the code returns a 400 error.
Log values of selectedPlan and check the results from billing.require to pinpoint the issue.
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