Brooklyn Theme is not displaying was/now pricing correctly..

Brooklyn Theme is not displaying was/now pricing correctly..

6 0 0

Instead of showing the price difference between was / now pricing, the theme is displaying the full price, eg "Save $495" when it should be "Save $50". How do I correct this?

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 17.09.59.jpgScreenshot 2024-02-07 at 17.09.39.jpg

Replies 9 (9)

Shopify Partner
138 32 27

Add below liquid code to your respective save $450 field.


{{ product.compare_at_price | minus: product.price | money }}

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➔ Software engineer : Having more than 3 years of experience in the related industry with the specialization of Shopify theme development , worked on hundreds of stores.
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6 0 0

Thank you! But which line should I add this new code to?

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 08.59.51.jpg

Shopify Partner
138 32 27

Hello @AllyPally007 


Can you please share the website URL here? 



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➔ Software engineer : Having more than 3 years of experience in the related industry with the specialization of Shopify theme development , worked on hundreds of stores.
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Shopify Partner
138 32 27

@AllyPally007  thanks for sharing the website URL but can you please share the exact page URL that contains the exisiting issue ? 


➔ Was I helpful , please don't forget to like and mark solution as an accepted solution , you can PM me.
➔ Software engineer : Having more than 3 years of experience in the related industry with the specialization of Shopify theme development , worked on hundreds of stores.
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For about 1 second, it does the correct thing and displays "Save £45", then reverts back to "Save £495"

Shopify Partner
138 32 27

Please search for the "geolizr-currency" div class and paste the code over there also please remove "data-geolizr-price" from it. 



➔ Was I helpful , please don't forget to like and mark solution as an accepted solution , you can PM me.
➔ Software engineer : Having more than 3 years of experience in the related industry with the specialization of Shopify theme development , worked on hundreds of stores.
➔ Want to hire me? Email me
6 0 0

Thank yo. I don't think it worked. You'll have to be quite specific with instruction for me, as I am not a developer, just a store owner trying to make it work...

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 12.38.39.jpgScreenshot 2024-02-08 at 12.40.28.jpg