Re: Store custom user input data in Shopify

Can I store custom user data in Shopify without using apps?

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Is there a way to store custom data input by users in a Shopify store without using apps? For example, I want to have a form for eye prescriptions and store the data in Shopify. Is this possible without apps?

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
2000 147 205

Hi @Peak8848 ,


yes, you can custom code this feature at product level to upload the eye prescription which will be saved at Shopify and available in order data.


For this you don’t need any app only custom code.

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To support Buy Me a Coffee
Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Thank you for the help, Gr_trading. Can you direct me to resources or docs that will help me implement this?

Shopify Partner
100 2 10

This would not be HIPAA compliant and would get the merchant into serious trouble if that data is not de-identified. Shopify cannot provide a proper audit train either for the HIPAA Audit rule.


We solve this problem for clients, but it will not work as you just suggested.

Tom Granger, CEO
FDG Web, Inc
Office: 360-572-0398 : Ext. 108
Cell: 425-466-0804
Shopify Partner
2000 147 205

Don’t take my suggestions wrong I’m asking about the feature where user can upload the image using file upload and Shopify shows that data in order.


Nothing is related to verify process of prescription, that part will be performed by admin manually before processing the order.

For any custom development WhatsApp or connect at Email ID: for quick consultation. | Shopify Free codes
To support Buy Me a Coffee
Shopify Partner
100 2 10

Got it. So, the eyeglass prescription nor any prescription data at all is uploaded to Shopify or linked from Shopify (e.g. to a dropbox, jotform or other hosted source for the data)?




Tom Granger, CEO
FDG Web, Inc
Office: 360-572-0398 : Ext. 108
Cell: 425-466-0804