Re: Merge Customers


Can we merge duplicate customer accounts on our sales platform?

21 0 215

Has there been any updates or progress on the ability to MERGE CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS that are duplicates?  We have a ton and we basically began online sales in early March.  This is really needed to keep up with past orders and preferences.  We also offer rewards for our repeat customers and this system has really made tracking sales difficult.  



Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
12 8 10

This is an accepted solution.

You can now merge customer profiles. Thanks to your advocacy and feedback - you can merge customer profiles to ensure you have the most accurate view of your customers.

Identify duplicated customer profiles with the same name, phone number, email address, or another overlapping attribute then merge customers to make sure you maintain quality customer data.

To merge customer profiles:

  1. Search for a duplicate customer in the Customers page of your Shopify admin
  2. Click on the customer’s name and review their customer profile data to identify what data needs to be kept or removed. 
  3. Click into one of the duplicate profiles 
  4. On the bottom right of the profile you will see a heading called, Customer Data
  5. Click the button in that section that says Merge customer
  6. Search for the customer profile you intend to merge. 
  7. Complete the merge steps. 


Keep in mind, not every customer profile can be merged. There are some limitations for merging profiles that you can review in the Shopify Help Center.

We know this has taken time, and we appreciate your patience. We are excited to be launching this improvement for you today and look forward to hearing your feedback so we can keep improving your experience maintaining customer data in Shopify.  


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

View solution in original post

Replies 415 (415)
3 0 0

ETA: Pretty sure I messed up my comment in this forum tho. Haha. In case it's not appearing as a reply, what's working for me is what Paul_vd_Dool  suggested.


This is working for me! It would still be WAY better to be able to just select every duplicate account and have a single action that allows you to bulk merge them (or even one at a time would be a time saver) into an existing account of your choosing.


But in the meantime, especially because I am such small potatoes, doing it manually like this is definitely a workaround that will help me. Thank you!

2 0 1

It worked perfectly, Thanks for taking the time to help : )

22 0 27
A few issues with this. First, I do not have three dots I have an "X", not that big a deal. But the main issue is that it does not transfer the Timeline posts. So, if you have any Timeline posts, like when an order was created and such for the customer, you lose it. This is a work around, but not a fix of the problem at hand. This does not truly merge customer accounts.
3 0 0

Agreed on all counts. It worked for me, but as a workaround. I was able to consolidate the customer's complete order history into one account by manually changing the customer associated with each order and archiving/disabling the duplicates once they had 0 orders associated.


Timeline comments and auto entries for invoice, shipping, etc were not transferred. I lost that as well as the earliest "customer since" info, which was associated with one of the duplicate accounts that the customer is no longer using. I definitely want a true merging functionality and think it should be a priority for Shopify to make this feature available and accessible.

Shopify Partner
114 6 100

They're currently working on a "true" solution.

At the start of June I got asked to be a part of a beta program for a "Customer Profile Merge" feature. I'm still waiting to hear more about it. I believe they are still working out some kinks.

Doppelganger - Managing duplicate user accounts
1 0 2

We see this happening when people check out on their phones and use a separate email from their core account. Would really like to see this feature prioritized.

2 0 2

We desperately need the ability to merge customer accounts or at least have two accounts have the same email address. Would it be easier and quicker for you to fix that functionality?

When a customer enters an email address with an error in it, it creates a new account and we have literally no way to fix this issue. It negatively affects the customer because of our rewards program being linked to the amount they spend with us. We also have customers create new accounts instead of updating their original account with the new email address. 

20 0 8

I like this suggestion a lot. Unlike most of the folks on this thread, I do not think adding this function will be easy. I think it's necessary but seems like a much better first step is reducing the creation of duplicate records. Thanks Badnicolez!

Shopify Partner
3 0 2

It actually is fairly simple but it would require having companies in shopify then multiple names orn emails can be associated with the same account. Thing is they only have this in the plus which costs $2,000 a month. Even me $50 a month crm has this functionaliy. 

12 0 53

Abosolutelly. A simple CRM like Pipedrive has this function, you have the 2 accounts side by side, check the info you want to keep, then [ MERGE ] ...

Shopify Partner
114 6 100

Hi Michelle,


I totally agree. It's a step in the right direction but not perfect.

But Shopify is working on a proper solution. They've recently (1,5 weeks ago) asked me to review some code documentation for a merge functionality. It seems you'll be able to merge two accounts. From the current state of the documentation it does not seem you'll be able to decide which information from which account you want to keep. But rather you choose a main account which the other account will be merged into. If the second account has information that the main account does not, like a phone number, that information will be transferred to the main account.


I have not idea when Shopify plans to release this though. It's still in a very early stage. I expect it will be months still.

Doppelganger - Managing duplicate user accounts
Shopify Partner
7721 678 1619

@Paul_vd_Dool wrote:

 From the current state of the documentation it does not seem you'll be able to decide which information from which account you want to keep...  If the second account has information that the main account does not, like a phone number, that information will be transferred to the main account

Oof hopefully that's implemented as matching content an not purely overwriting indexes so things like additional shipping addresses are appended and not impurely pure 1:1 overwrites.

So two accounts one has 2 unique shipping address another has 3 unique address the merge should end up with 5 addresses not 3.

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17 0 17

HAHA what a JoKE they still have not implemented this....just gotta laugh. 

5 0 1

Yikes. I think I'm going to Twitter with an @tobi tag for a Hail Mary. This has to be a big problem ... don't get me started on inbox 

Shopify Partner
114 6 100

You can save yourself the trouble @evanhill. They're already working on it.
Last I heard they were in a draft phase, thinking about how to solve this correctly. Next up would be to start development on the first version of the solution.

Doppelganger - Managing duplicate user accounts
Shopify Partner
8 1 8

So, this showed up in my admin under a customer profile today (see attachment)... however look at the note: can't be merged because of a credit card? Then another account said "...has a gift card and can't be merged." 

Back to the drawing board...

Shopify Partner
114 6 100

Oh wow, they're already rolling it out gradually it seems.
It's coming folks!

Doppelganger - Managing duplicate user accounts
5 0 1

Hi @Paul_vd_Dool I just found your app, nice and easy- why wait for Shopify to be honest. Great job!, well done!

Shopify Partner
114 6 100

Thanks for the compliment Bruce 🙂

I'm glad to hear that it's of use for those that don't yet have access to the native Shopify merge functionality. Shopify seems to be gradually rolling out this new feature.

I'm hoping to also add the same functionality to Doppelganger (plus more) but my contacts at Shopify seem to be ghosting me these last 2 weeks.


With "plus more" I'm referring to the fact the native functionality only allows you to merge two accounts at a time. With Doppelganger, I want to allow you to merge more than two accounts in one go. But most importantly, with the native Shopify feature, you still need to know which accounts are duplicates. I'm already hard at work to add discover features to Doppelganger that help you identify duplicate accounts. This will hopefully not make Doppelganger entirely obsolete once the native merge feature is fully rolled out.


Over the weekend I must have also gotten access to the native feature on my dev stores. But it seems pretty limited to me.
You can't merge an account as soon as the customer has
1. a credit card
2. an account (a login etc.)
3. metafields (my app adds a metafield to the customer account but there are perhaps plenty of other apps that also add metafields to the customer account)

Perhaps there are more blockers in the native functionality but these are the ones I was able to find in my limited set of fake customers on my dev store.

Doppelganger - Managing duplicate user accounts
2 0 2

Even better, what if they just made it possible to move orders to different accounts instead of having to merge them? Then we could just move the orders and delete the empty account. Seems like that might be a quicker and easier solution as well for the developers.

Shopify Partner
114 6 100

Hi Nicole,


That's currently possible. Follow these steps.

1. Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner above the customer name


2. Click "Remove customer"


3. Confirm you want to remove the customer


4. Where the customer name was there is now an input field


5. Find the correct customer account


6. The order is now linked to the chosen customer account


7. Be sure to also update the email address and/or phone number on contact information section of the order


8. You can choose to remove the other customer account as soon as it has no orders associated to it anymore


There are some downsides to this though. First, it can be quite cumbersome as you'll need to do this for all orders that are made on duplicate accounts. Second, it doesn't combine the customer timeline. Some information will get lost.

Doppelganger - Managing duplicate user accounts
12 0 53

Paul, I'm sorry and I understand you have an app to push, but THIS is not the solution, the downsides you mention (especially the 2nd one) which is basicclay the most annoying effect of having same peole under different account, just make it an undesirable solution. What we need ia real Merge accounts like the one in Klavio (exemple) Sorry :my 2 cents'  ...

25 0 72

Just to point out, the solution Paul took the time to explain actually makes his app less necessary, not more. So, helping people out by giving them the only current solution to the problem is not pushing his app (except by making the rest of us think of him as knowledgeable and helpful).

Yes, Shopify should be able to do a true merge. But for now, this is the best way to accomplish unifying orders in one account.

12 0 14

FYI, I was just messing around and am now able to delete duplicate accounts. For the last few months we've been able to change the customer tied to an order. But, even if I removed all orders from a duplicate profile, there was still other data about the order that was associated with that profile so that it could not be deleted. Not sure when this changed but it has to be recent. You can now delete profiles with 0 orders, even if there was at one point order data tied to that profile. One step closer I guess.

Shopify Partner
8 1 8

I just discovered the same thing. Makes it somewhat easier but doesn't solve wrong info being entered and another customer being created. Baby steps!

6 0 7

You want to know HOW we have tons of profiles for 1 Customer? Shopify does not allow edits the Customer data after the sale is made. So SHOPIFY HAS CREATED THIS PROBLEM!

PROBLEM: If I try to update the Order with the Customer's email. Shopify's response is that email is already taken. 

SOLUTION: Have your programmers update the software to ask "would you like to update the customer to this one?"

15 0 109

Agreed. We need this. 

Duplicates are created most commonly for us when:

1) Staff enter the wrong customer information

2) People purchase online with a phone number, then come into the store and purchase using an email address. Or purchase online with an email address one time and phone number another.

3) A significant other does not realize their household has a customer account already.


8 0 18

OR if they use multiple credit cards as well! 

Shopify Partner
83 0 67

@SpencerCran Good point on the household issue. This should be talked about more in retail. If the husband shops and creates an account and then the wife later shops and creates another account, we think we just acquired a new customer when really this is the same household with joint buying decisions. 

Shopify Partner
83 0 67

At this point, it's all been said, but to pile on, it's a massive thorn in our side daily. Many customers' experiences suffer daily because of this. We lose competitiveness with other businesses using software that can do this. Our customer metrics aren't trustable to make decisions off of due to this. It's not a sustainable way to run a customer-centric business. Especially with Shopify's perceived advantage over Amazon of owning the customer relationship, this puts a hug wedge in that in practice. 

4 0 29

This is very much needed.

7 0 62


Customers forget a password, or that they have an account, and create a new acct. 

But they then either make a typo ( instead of is one from this morning) or they skip an email address as they cannot create an acct (because it already exists).



Customer frustration, as they cannot easily get into their account, and make typos or skip an email address.

Bad impression of us, as they don't get an email confirmation from the order.

Bad impression of us as they don't save the time they thought they would with the digital item. 

Extra effort on a busy customer's time, as they need to contact us

Extra  time by us spent on backward efforts instead of forward productive efforts, as we have to investigate / fix. We typically edit the earlier record by adding the prefix old- to their email.

Our "Yafoo" customer had a nice $75 download order which we fulfilled last night (after hours) but then this morning saw the bounce. 



2 0 43

We have been asking for the ability to merge duplicate customers (usually for email typos) for over 5 years. It does not make any sense that the software folks could not have accomplished this by now. 

25 0 72

I wonder if this is a new feature that has only been rolled out for some Shopify users?  Our customers do not have a Merge button anyplace on their record.

2 0 10
Sounds like a misunderstanding. We do not have a merge button! But we really need one! 😊
2 0 6

Agreed! This seems like a very logical and useful aspect for business management. For as long as Shopify has been around, as big as they are, and for how many years it has specifically been asked for, it amazes me this still does not even seem to be on the list of things being worked on. 

6 0 0

No merging still

3 0 5

Did you see where someone mentioned that they had a merge option?

8 0 26

What was the solution?  I did not see that!


22 0 45

So far Shopify has not come up with a solution.    When I first asked this question 11 years ago, their stock was worth $25 per share, its currently at $1392 per share, so it's not like they can't afford to hire the right person to implement this basic request. 

8 0 26
I did not see the solution? Can you please repost or send me a link? Thanks!
22 0 45

There is no solution. 

14 0 18

Yes, the ability to merge would be very helpful. We have customers that input themselves with and without company names or with variations or use old email addresses and can't find all their orders. We would love to be able to help them simplify things.

2 0 8

Please create a way to merge customers. It is needed. 

How duplicates happen:

I have a large customer base of people who have placed online orders. I also do a number of conferences each year, and sales that are run though the POS app often end up under the name that is on the customer's credit card. For example, I have Jane L Doe who just bought books at a conference. All her conference purchases are listed under Jane Lee Doe. This makes it hard to locate all her transactions and keep her information uniformly updated.

21 0 215

We run into the same issue with our customers and tracking them.  The worst, is if they make an error in their email address, we are not able to change it, because it says the correct email address already exists and doesn't link them.  It seems like a basic function that Shopify is ignoring.  I don't understand why this would not be a priority.  😞 

27 0 51

Shopify can we PLEASE get this option!?!!!!

1 0 5

Please add this!! It's really a pain to have customers who have 4 emails or who accidentally misspell theirs and we now have two customers for them.

3 0 4

I have the same issues. 

Mine comes from someone I know paying outside of shopify (cash at work for eg) and I need to put it in the system and forget that they have ordered in shopify so I accidentally create them a new account. 

Merging these sales and accounts would be very helpful.



3 0 5

Seems like a no-brainer.  Why is this taking so long?  It is hard to be a customer-focused business when the tools do not allow for such BASIC functionality.


Come on Shopify? 


Get on it, please.  Thank you.

7 0 62

My take is having the customer "fix it" is not a good solution.

The burden should not be on the customer. Likely the customer will be angered were we to suggest this, as the problem isn't their fault.

And it's likely that the customer won't be able to log into the various accounts they have created to consolidate. Were they able to / bother to / remember... then they would likely not have created multiple accounts to begin with.