Can you merge two SKUs into one product on an ecommerce platform?

Can you merge two SKUs into one product on an ecommerce platform?

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Do you know if there is a way to merge two sku's on shopify?


The reason I ask is that we are re-launching our linen in a new quality and from a production point of view, we would like to create new sku's however from a marketing and customer perspective it would be better to keep the same name. We don't want to have 2 products but are not sure how to get around this.


So for example can we create a second sku for the white linen shirt and link it on shopify to the current SKU so that the name stays the same but stock / sales are working from two different sku's. If this is not possible is there anything we can do? We'd like the old stock to be fulfilled first but if someone orders a 10 and a 12 but we are out of stock in the 10 we don't want them to receive a 10 in the new quality and a 12 in the old quality.

Thank you!

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