Re: All Paths to Support are dead ends

Cannot get customer service "There’s a problem loading this page" 08/22/2023

2 0 9


I'm trying to get past the annoying chatbot to talk to a real human but cannot. Whenever it asks me to select a store I get the message 


"There’s a problem loading this page
There’s a technical problem with the Shopify Help Center that prevented this page from loading. Please go back to the Help Center homepage or try reloading this page."


After I go back I am unable to proceed.

Replies 53 (53)

5 0 7

Same thing here. Extremely frustrating. I've tried multiple browsers, all with cleared caches. NOthing works. 

5 0 7

I can't even get to the help center. Won't let me in. "Internal server error"

1 0 3


I am still experiencing the same issue.

5 0 7

I cannot access the Help Center. When I click on "Help Center" from the main dashboard, I am brought to the error page shown below. Reloading the page doesn't help, nor does clicking the button that says "Go To Help Center Home". I have tried multiple browsers and devices, all with cleared caches. Nothing works. Please advise.. 


error page.jpg


Shopify Staff (Retired)
2398 162 291

Hi, @Eman2.


Thanks for getting in touch.


Are you still experiencing an error message when trying to access the Shopify Help Center?


As per our Shopify Status page, all systems are operational and we haven't received reports of issues with the Help Center. Could you try using this Help Center link to see if you're able to access it?


Additionally, could you also provide information on the following:


  • What browser(s) have you tried using?
  • Can you replicate the issue using an incognito browser?


I look forward to your reply.

Victoria | Shopify 
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2 0 9

I've tried using chrome and firefox on pc and safari on my phone

Incognito does nothing.

Would you kindly send to me another method to contact support? Like an email or phone number? Or they could contact me

5 0 5

I am having the same issue. Today is supposed to be launch day and i cant finalise the connections. I have tried Google Chrome, cleared cache, incognito and tried safari with no results. It worked for about 10 seconds in incognito, but then displayed the same message again. I am located in Australia.Screen Shot 2023-08-24 at 1.16.34 pm.png

Shopify Staff (Retired)
2398 162 291

Hi, @BTA.


Welcome to the community and thank you for joining the thread. 


I appreciate you trying those troubleshooting methods. Our developers are aware of the issue and currently investigating.


In the meantime, are you able to provide some insight on the following:


  • When accessing the Help Center, are you logged into your store?
  • Could you share what steps you've taken prior to receiving the error message in the Help Center?



Victoria | Shopify 
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 - To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Shopify Blog

5 0 5
  • When accessing the Help Center, are you logged into your store?
  • Yes. I believe most people would be. 
  • Could you share what steps you've taken prior to receiving the error message in the Help Center?
  • I'm not really sure how to answer that. It has been the same for 2 days now and no matter which way i try to open the help centre, it doesnt work. Whether that be from a link on shopify, or from a google search. When it first started happening, I did a google search to find a solution, all results were from shopify help centre and showed the same message when i opened them. 
Shopify Staff (Retired)
2398 162 291

Hi, all.

Looping back to this thread to share a few updates/workarounds as our developers are actively investigating.


If you're receiving the error message Internal Server Error when accessing the Shopify Help Center, please follow the steps below.


  • Log in to your Shopify admin.
  • In the Settings > Store Details section,  make sure to fill out any section/information that is blank.
  • Save info.
  • Reopen using an incognito window to access the Help Center.


If you're receiving the error message Problem Loading Page when attempting to access the Help Center, please follow the steps below. 



We truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to have this resolved.

Victoria | Shopify 
 - Was my reply helpful? Click Like to let me know! 
 - Was your question answered? Mark it as an Accepted Solution
 - To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Shopify Blog

4 0 4

I tried these approaches, Victoria, but they didn't work. 

Shopify Partner
18 0 9

So your developers were aware... on 8/23/23, and here it is 10/5/23. Being aware apparently does not lead to a fix. The less Shopify spends on actual customer service, the more the shareholders take to the bank.

1 0 0

I am having this exact same issue now


1 0 3

I’m having the same issue, what the heck is going on???

1 0 1



I am having the same issue with contacting shopfiy and this article isn't helping as I've cleared cache & cookies. tried using a different browser and mobile. Your contact email doesn't work anymore. How can i get in touch????Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 12.35.11.pngScreenshot 2023-08-29 at 12.53.24.png

Shopify Partner
18 0 9

Of course you haven't received reports of issues. Those of us who would, can't report the issues or even access your help, besides the bot that can't understand the actual problems. What a waste. I'll bet the shareholders or those who profit from Shopify are thrilled that you aren't spending anything on meaningful support. "There’s a technical problem with the Shopify Help Center that prevented this page from loading. Please go back to the Help Center homepage or try reloading this page." Does not help!


1 0 0

man I am tripping out about this. no matter what I do I can't even get to the main support page without getting this same exact page. please tell me you have figured it out? im going crazy trying to get it fixed. I have just put my life savings into my clothing brand and im not even going to be able to rollout my first drop if this keeps happening. the reason im trying to contact them in the first place is because my SMS app (I've tried all of them) isn't cooperating with my store at all. I have had a bunch of people sign up and I've got NONE OF THE DATA. please please let me know if you figured anything out or have any info on it!!!

21 1 22

Unfortunately Shopify never acknowledges this problem, they just give generic answers like clearing cache ets...then it just suddenly starts working again after a day or two 

1 0 0

hi there, i just built a website for a client that i convinced shopify was perfect for and i cannot get ahold of anyone to help me with my domain. we own the domain and i started a site on my account, transferred ownership but need help getting the domain attached to the correct site/theme. every time i click on something with support i get an error message or when i call they hang up. please help at your earliest convenience. 

Shopify Partner
11 0 6

Hello! Sorry you're having trouble.
Does this link help with your domain-related issue?
Also have you tried this link to connect with support?

5 0 7

So here I am, having a problem with my store.


I go to the help center, and the AI bot is not providing useful answer to the problem I'm experiencing. 

It asks to me to connect to live chat, which is great - however, when I log in, I'm met with the "Oh no! There’s a problem loading this page". Well, I researched a bit and tried clearing the cache in my browser, incognito, mobile, and the same issue appears. I go to the Shopify status page.. No issues 🤨


After a while I find the email for Shopify support but after drafting my email and sending it, I'm hit with a reply stating; "Thanks for contacting Shopify Support! A support ticket has not been created.". They refer me back to their help page, where it is impossible to connect to any living human without logging in. 


Can anyone please tell me how to get in contact with a support representative to solve the problem on my store?




2 0 4

I have the same issue! 

5 0 7

Let's hope the support reps are following these threads, because there is literally no way of reporting these issues other than talking to support

2 0 4

Hope so.... Please update on here if you have any luck!

5 0 7

I've found the phone number for support. I'll call them and report the issue

5 0 4

I have the exact same issue. For hours and hours- spent trying to change something I consider to be really simple, like adding a link- to all my product pages- but the error message happening all day. Chat bot- no human support. so frustrating

Shopify Partner
18 0 9

But the shareholders are thrilled! No money spent on customer no-service!

1 0 5

I'm getting the same error and it's pretty frustrating that they haven't fixed the issue since you posted this. 

Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 12.25.53 PM.png

1 0 3

I'm having the same issue. Is there any update on how to overcome it?

1 0 2

when i click on "help center" it doesn't direct me to the right page. Instead it says  

There’s a problem loading this page

There’s a technical problem with the Shopify Help Center that prevented this page from loading. Please go back to the Help Center homepage or try reloading this page.

Go to Help Center home


so how can i resolve this issue please?

1 0 1

I have been trying to contact shopify support/ help center for the past hour, but whenever I click the links the help ppl send in these threads, i get pulled to a blank page saying 

There’s a problem loading this page

There’s a technical problem with the Shopify Help Center that prevented this page from loading. Please go back to the Help Center homepage or try reloading this page.


When I click the return to the homepage button or reload the page, I get pulled back to the same exact thing. I have tried everything recommended online and in the threads. I have even tried emailing the shopify support, but it said it no longer takes tickets for support and takes me to the same exact link as before. I JUST NEED SOMEONE TO CONTACT, NOT A ROBOT. 

4 0 4

I'm able to log into and administer my shop, and can also log in and check shop status. But every path (link) I try to get to support leads to which displays the message, "There's a problem loading this page. There’s a technical problem with the Shopify Help Center that prevented this page from loading. Please go back to the Help Center homepage or try reloading this page." Then there's a button labeled "Go to Help Center home"


Reloading the page displays the same message. Clicking the "Go to Help Center home" button displays the same message. This has been persistent for the last couple of days. I've tried using different devices, but the behavior and the error message is the same. I have no way to report this issue to Shopify Support, because I cannot get to their portal. I have no way to get help with the original issue that I have in my store.


Anyone else overcome this problem?


4 0 2

Nope. Having the same issue. Tried multiple different devices, browsers, networks, incognito mode, VPN, cleared cookies and cache, nothing.

4 0 4

Another 2 days lost, and still no obvious progress. This is shaking my confidence in Shopify.

Shopify Partner
18 0 9

No. I am not able to get any meaningful support from Shopify, and it's more than a month after your post. We need to start spreading the truth about Shopify and all the other shareholder shills that know more how to spin and manipulate the market than they know how to put a quality product out there. Your time is not important to them until something hits their pocketbook.

21 1 22

Been having the exact same issue here for the last week...unable to get support on any of my shops. I can not understand the lack of urgency from the Shopify on this, since there are clearly many customers experiencing this critical problem.

When going to the help page via incognito window, the page appears at first:




But as soon as I log in, the error comes up:





4 0 4

For my store, access to support was restored on 8/31. I did not receive any communication from Shopify at any point during this outage.

21 1 22

Same here, it mysteriously started working again around month end

Shopify Partner
18 0 9

I'm glad you got help! Their fix is not persistent. There is no real fix, and there won't be while the company makes money on not fixing these issues. We are too small to count for anything.

3 0 2

This is still happening to me a month later...
Can't open a ticket, because every time the bot directs me to the 'connect with a store advisor' page, and after I've selected the store this error happens. On all my stores.

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 13.39.16.jpg

Shopify Partner
18 0 9

Me too, and it's 10/5/2023. That speaks volumes more about Shopify than all the corporate goodspeak and lies put together.

Shopify Partner
18 0 9

Same problem, over and over again. Shopify apparently doesn't want you to get help!

1 0 0

Getting same error trying to chat with support. Is there no other support option?? The bot just takes me in circles and gives me a link to the page I am already on.

1 0 0

not sure if this will help but it worked for me. Was having same issue for days and tried everything. I then went to chrome, opened my shopify store account, click on store name at top right of window, click on manage account, scroll down and access support from the link there. Going this route I was able to successfully open the link when asking to select store. Maybe coincidence or maybe a solution. 

17 0 10

@Victoria It is unbelievable that this goes on for a year now...

1 0 0

the error is still persisting, this is really frustrating!! Till when this will go on for?


1 0 0

The same in different browsers.... can't get support.

1 0 0

October 2024 and this problem still exists. Today it worked, but while I was chatting with a service rep, I was thrown out of the helpcentre.

1 0 0

So this is still an issue after a year or more? Does anyone have a way to actually get a support PERSON to speak to you?