Re: Cant access my footer to change it dawn theme.

Cant access my footer to change it dawn theme.

17 0 1

Hi, I cannot access my footer. Can somebody help me? See the screenshot. The option footer is not there.Screenshot 2024-02-03 121421.png

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
279 54 78

Hi @meisroelink 


Well, that is strange, try to check in theme.liquid if 

{% sections 'footer-group' %}

is present. Also, check if file sections/footer-group.json exists


Kind regards

Shopify Partner
76 18 22

Hi @meisroelink ,


judging from the current website the footer seems quite customized. It's easy to mess something up there. Especially if you edit the schema.


I'd suggest to install a clean version of dawn, check the footer file and compare it to your customized file. Then you will most likely find the issue. Have a look especially at the schema at the bottom of the file.

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Oskar Studio - Wir sind dein Shopify Partner und helfen dir, erfolgreich auf Shopify zu starten!
17 0 1

Hi @OS-Mitch Thanks for your reply! Which footer file do you advise to look for?

Shopify Partner
76 18 22

Check "footer.liquid" first, that should really be the only file responsible for this (unless your custom code is calling other files as well).

Wenn meine Antwort deine Frage beantwortet, markiere sie gerne als akzeptierte Lösung!

Oskar Studio - Wir sind dein Shopify Partner und helfen dir, erfolgreich auf Shopify zu starten!
17 0 1

Hi! Thanks for your reply! I checked the footer liquid file but its exactly the same. Is there another one to check? 

Shopify Partner
76 18 22

Check footer-group.json as well and make sure the footer group is called in the theme.liquid file. Should be something like 

{% sections 'footer-group' %}
Wenn meine Antwort deine Frage beantwortet, markiere sie gerne als akzeptierte Lösung!

Oskar Studio - Wir sind dein Shopify Partner und helfen dir, erfolgreich auf Shopify zu starten!

Shopify Partner
18 0 4

Hi, As I can see your store footer can be hard coded. I can make it customizable using Shopify liquid and schema settings to avail you options in theme customizer so that you can make changes easily in the footer. 

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