Cart not updating - possibly domain related issue

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Hello all, I am about to launch my business and last week when I was conducting test orders I discovered that my cart wasn't updating. The issue is when you add new items to the cart, the subtotal doesn't change and when you try to remove items from the cart, they disappear but the subtotal stays the same and when you refresh the page they all come back. 


I contacted the Shopify help center last week and they said it was an issue connected to my theme (which is a theme called Broadcast - not a Shopify theme). We contacted theme developers and they were working on it until two days ago one of the developers discovered that the issue was not related to the theme but Shopify itself. He said something fundamentally wrong with your Shopify account and how your themes work (!). I contacted Shopify again and after a day they said: ''they found out that there are firewall enabled from your store which limits how your theme responds. They recommend you to reach out to your domain provider for that.''


My domain is from Godaddy. I reached out to them but in the meantime, I wanted to ask if there are others like me experiencing a similar problem. 


Any feedback or suggestion is appreciated. Thanks all. 


if you want to check the website I actually removed the password:



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Hello @urbansociety,

Greetings from flareAI app helping Shopify merchants get $6Million+ in sales from Google Search, on autopilot! I am Gina, and I am here to help.

Dealing with cart-related issues here are some suggestions to investigate and potentially resolve the issue.

- Clear your browser cache

Occasionally, problems with the cart stem from cached data. By clearing your browser cache, you ensure that you're loading the most recent version of your website. After clearing the cache, test the cart again to check if the problem persists.

- Check for conflicting apps or scripts

If you've recently installed or updated any apps or scripts on your Shopify store, they might be causing conflicts with the cart functionality. Disable any recently added apps or scripts one by one, and test the cart after each change to identify any potential culprits.

- Review your theme's code

It's possible that the issue lies within your theme's code. Examine your theme's settings and code for any customizations that might affect the cart's functionality. If coding isn't your expertise, consider seeking assistance from the theme developer or hiring a Shopify expert.

- Test with a different theme

To determine if the problem is specific to your current theme, temporarily switch to a different theme provided by Shopify. If the cart functions correctly with the new theme, it suggests that the issue is likely related to your original theme's code or settings.

- Verify your domain settings

Domain settings can sometimes cause problems with the cart functionality. Ensure that your domain is correctly set up and configured in your Shopify admin settings. Double-check the entry and configuration of the primary domain and any subdomains.

- Contact Shopify Support

If you have tried the above steps and the issue persists, it's advisable to reach out to Shopify's support team.


Remember to test the cart using different browsers and devices to check if the issue occurs consistently across all platforms. Additionally, keep track of any recent changes you've made to your store, as they may offer valuable insights into the source of the problem.

Let me know if you require any further guidance.


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